Chapter 7: what!?

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"Jibanyan, where did you come from?" I asked. "From the crossing in the city" he said. "Jibanyan! There you are!" Whisper said. "Nate, i found him!" A ghost like yo-kai came towards us. "Wha-?" I was suprised. Then Nate came. "Can you please explain WHAT EXACTLY is going on here!?" I said. "Well, we came here with a por-" he was not able to complete what he wanted to say. "It's called a 3DS, Whisper, a 3DS" Nate said. Then suddenly Sapphire started to growl. "Hehehe, we got you cornered!" Someone said. "Help!!!" A voice said. "That's the voice of Pikagirl1527!" I said. I ran towards the scream and saw the glitchbreon and EEeEE. I sighed. "First the glitchbreon, then EEeEE and then yo-kai. "What the heck is happening!?" I said.

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