Chapter 8: the whole group

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We arrived at the place. "Hey, EEeEE! What do you think you're doing!?" I said. EEeEE turned around and ran to me. "Paws of fury! Nyanyanyanyanya!" Jibanyan hit EEeEE. EEeEE used his physic powers to get sapphire in a green fire bulb. Sapphire got hit and fainted. "NOOO!! sapphire!!!" "Gutsy paw!" Someone said. "Huh!? Wow!" I said suprised. "Moximous mask! Defender of all! MOXIE!" Hovernyan said. "Can somebody PLEASE explain WHAT'S going on here!?" I asked with a bit of irritation in my voice. "Well, WE used our powers together to bring AND the pokémon world AND the yo-kai world together! Hehehe!" The glitchbreon said. Then i saw EEeEE trying to bite sapphire's head off. "NOOO!!! SAPPHIRE!!!" Then a giant squid showed up. "Hmmm, I'm gonna take over BOTH this AND the yo-kai world!" McKraken said. "Oh no... We're really in danger now!" All three of us said.

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