Chapter 11: EEeEE, return!

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We ran through the forest and encountered some more blood puddles, but now with bones in them. "Hello again." EEeEE said. "EEeEE, i'm gonna send YOU back to the pokémon world!" Pikagirl1527 said. "Sure you can! Hehehe!" EEeEE said, grinning. She opened the DS, holds it in the air and shouted "EEeEE RETURN!" the DS started to suck up EEeEE again. "No! Not again! NOOOOO!!!" EEeEE screamed. "Gutsy paw!" Hovernyan said from above. He came down and hit EEeEE. "I'll remember this! I'LL COME BACK! STRONGER THAN NOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!" He said. The DS closed by itself. "Nicely done Pikagirl1527!" Me and Nate said. "Thanks! I knew what to do since last time, so..." she said. "1 down, 2 to go!" hovernyan said. "Alright! We can do this!" i said. Then i saw sapphire glowing. "Sapphire is evolving!" i said.  "I wonder what's it gonna be?" Pikagirl1527 said. It stopped glowing and i saw a umbreon. "Nice! Love how she's looking!" i said. "So do i!" Pikagirl1527 said.

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