Plasma Bombs

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My head hurt. It was throbbing with such an intensity I thought it was going to explode. I slowly opened my eyes. Sunlight was coming out of the blue tinted windows to my left. I was in the hospital wing. The Headmaster leaned forwards into my field of vision.

"Are you ok Amy?"

I nodded. "Sir, what was that?"

The Headmaster chuckled slightly. "That was you unleashing your powers for the first time. It will get easier and you will not fall unconscious once you can control them. You were so weak after all that power that you all fell into a draining sleep, a sleep that you cannot resist and will not wake up from until you have fully replenished your powers,".

"Where are my Anchemi?"

The Headmaster gestured to the beds around me. "You are all waking up now - I have an announcement to give to all of you".

I sat up and looked around. Adam gave me the thumbs up whilst Barney was rubbing his eyes. Cherry and Stephen were still sleeping.

"Like brother, like sister!" Adam remarked. I threw a pillow at Cherry. She sat up and rubbed her eyes before throwing my pillow at Stephen. "Wake up bro!"

Once we were all awake, the Headmaster looked at us. "You have all successfully unlocked your powers. The teachers and I were looking through your book and if you have read it fully, you should be able to use your powers. As a result, you will each be excused from your lessons today to learn how to use them. Enjoy!".

Some teachers stepped forwards. I swung my legs off of my bed and stood up, before walking over to the teachers. A tall man with brown, scruffy hair and chestnut eyes nodded to me. "Amy, you are training with me"

As we entered the training room, the teacher spoke:

"Right then. Amy, I am Mr Alleo. I am the rider of Obversaria, a Lightning Dragon. Today I need your full attention - learning to us your powers is a tricky business. Firstly, we are going to practice creating a plasma strike,".

"A plasma strike?"

"Yes. Do you know how to throw a javelin?".

I blinked. "Yes"

"I want you to imagine throwing a giant pink javelin. First: picture yourself holding a normal javelin. Then, imagine slowly covering the javelin in tiny bolts of pink electricity, plasma. Then, imagine throwing it at the target at the end,".

I closed my eyes and pictured a javelin in my hand. My hands clenched tightly around the coarse wood of the short javelin. I then imagined bolts of plasma slowly creep their way up the handle, like a spider, each strand of energy moving one at a time. Eventually, I opened my eyes and could see a javelin in my hands, made entirely out of plasma. Sighting the target, I pulled my arm back and threw the javelin. It landed with a thunk in the dead centre of the bullseye.

The teacher laughed. "Good! Now imagine it is connected to you and try to pull it back to your hand"

Soon enough, I could fire javelins in seconds, before pulling them back to my hands, ready to throw again.

The teacher used the same method for a wave of power, plasma fire and how to shoot "boulders" of plasma at attackers.

"Now then" he said. "You are onto the final part of your power that you will learn about today: balls of plasma. These have explosive capabilities and when they hit something, they will explode if you want them too".

Six hours later, I flopped onto the couch in our dorm with a loud sigh. I was the last person in our Anchemi to come back. As we walked down to dinner we discussed our power capabilities. Our dragons had also had training and Electra was telling me how she could also fire the plasma bombs and cover all her scales in plasma fire!

Adam could manipulate fire into any shape or form and increase or decrease the temperature of the fire whilst Furnace could cover his skin in fire

Barney could cover attackers in ice or make it snow whilst Arctic could send spikes of ice at attackers.

Cherry could create and control vines - she could make them into a canopy or strangle someone and crush people under boulders whilst Cedar could fire boulders with a wave of his tail.

Stephen could control the weather and create hurricanes. He had also been told he had a rare strand of power which meant he could control water! Atlas could fire water and control the winds

Striker can send out spikes of electricity and fire lightning bolts.

After dinner (Mashed potato, gammon and peas) we all chatted about our training before we all went to sleep.

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