Chapter three - Homeroom

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My Papa must've signed me up for chorus. Even though he knows I cannot sing. I sigh and just grab my stuff. A folder, a binder, my diary, a spiral notebook, my pencil case, my headphones, and my sketchbook. After I slam my locker door closed and put the lock on.
I go to my homeroom, and go to sit in the back of the class. I place my stuff down on the desk and sit at my seat. The walls are covered in bright and happy positive message posters. I cringe at them and slip my headphones on. Of course, nothing is playing, I just put them on and hope no one wants to talk to me.
The teacher walks in and puts his hand up to calm down all the noisy students. Thankfully, they all calm down and be quiet. I take my headphones off and put them around my neck.
"Hello students! I am Mr. Rodriguez and I am going to be your homeroom teacher. So, just to make sure you all are in the right spot, I'm going to do roll-call." He exclaims. Then he starts calling out random names of students.
"Virgil Sanders?" He asks.
"Here." I say quietly. He looks at me and writes on his clipboard before moving onto the next students
"Roman Prince? Is he in here?" Mr. Rodriguez asks as he looks around the classroom. Suddenly, a boy runs into the classroom, holding onto the door rim, taking deep breaths.
"Im- here sir, s-sorry." He pants. My face turns pale. It's that boy that helped me with my lock earlier. I start panicking, but I put my hood up and hope nothing happens.
"Ok, how about you take a seat next to, lemme see, how about, Virgil over there?" He asks. I jump as Mr. Rodriguez looks at me with a smile.
"Ok sir." The boy replies, walking over to the seat next to me. My heart pounds and I start panicking more. But before I can do anything, he sits in the seat next to me and looks at me with that charming smile he gave me earlier.
"Well, we meet again! I guess we're going to be homeroom buddies!" He chuckles. "Its Virgil, right?"
"U-uh y-yeah..." I mumble.
"I like that name, it really suits you!" He comments. My face turns red. Is he flirting with me?
"And, you are-"
"Roman, Roman Prince." He barges in.
"Yeah, whatever you just said..." I mumble, looking out the window. In my mind, I'm asking myself way too many questions.
What if he doesn't like me back? What if I'm top dark and emo? What if he thinks I'm fake? What if he isn't gay?
"You want to leave already?" Roman asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"What- N-no I just, I was just- th-thinking." I reply.
"About what?" He asks again. I think for a minute and finally come up with something.
"I just don't understand why I have chorus on my schedule." I reply.
"Let me see your schedule." Roman says. I hand him my schedule and I accidentally touch his finger as he takes it. We both look at each other, but I look away, embarrassed. I pull my hand back and Roman holds the paper and just looks at me confused. My mind races. He probably hates me now! I touched his finger and he probably thinks I'm some stupid worthless human being. Oh gods I hate myself now.
"Virgil? You ok?" He asks.
"Y-you don't hate me?" I softly ask, turning back to him.
"No of course not! You accidently touched me, it's not the end of the world. It wasnt ever your fault." Roman exclaims.
"I-I guess." I mutter. Roman looks at my schedule.
"Oh nice! We both have science, chorus, english, art and gym together!!" Roman squeals. I freeze up.
"But- I- Uh, I-" The bell suddenly rings, signaling it for us to head to next class.
"Hey Virg! We should walk to class together!" Roman smiles delightfully. I look at him to say no, but he just looks so happy to have a friend. Speaking of which...
"But- what about your friends? What will they think?" I mumble just enough for him to hear.
"Friends? You think I have friends? No no, you've got it all wrong. Everyone thinks I'm too much of a Drama Nerd." He exclaims.
"Drama Nerd?" I ask.
"I'm in theater, I always get the lead role because of my amazing singing and acting skills. I'll tell you more about it when we get to class." He brags. I sigh.
"Fine! Just stop being so cute- I mean annoying! Stop being so annoying!" I stutter.
"Ok Mr. Emo Nightmare." Roman says in a baby voice before turning around and starting to walk to for the door.
"H-Hey wait up!" I yell, picking up my stuff and running towards him. He reluctantly stops walking and turns his head towards me and playfully smiles. I huff and look away from him, but as we walk I gradually start looking up to him more as we make our way to the science classroom.

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