Chapter five - The Assignment

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After science was over, Roman walked me to math class, then went to his class. He doesn't have math with me so I'm stuck alone.
Math isn't the worst subject, but it's not my favorite. But math class actually went by pretty fast. Nothing fun happened, but it wasn't completely boring. We just did a fact fluency. And I think I'm the only one who finished. I mean, I'm good at math, I just don't like it. My dad is pretty strict about my grades, he re-teaches me anything I got wrong. So if I get a C in any subject, we'll sit down at the table and spend the whole day going over it until I memorize it. He isn't mean, it's just me being lazy and slacking off and not caring.
Anyways, after I get out of class, Roman was waiting by the door for me. I was confused why.
"Hey Virg!" He waves slightly.
"Why are you waiting for me?" I ask him, adjusting my stuff in my arms.
"Two reasons, one, because I'm a nice friend, and two, because we have chorus." He replies, counting on his fingers. My face goes pale.
"W-wait what? Ch-chorus? B-but I'm n-not ready!" I stutter as we walk to my locker.
"How are you 'not ready'? Do you need to change into your Shrek outfit?" He jokes.
"What?! No! I just- I'm just a little rusty with singing, that's all." I reply.
"Oh shut up. I'm pretty sure you're great! And that means a lot coming from me, I'm a pretty tough crowd." He says, leaning against the locker right next to mine once we reach it. I spin the lock and it pops open.
"Ok ok we get it. You like to brag." I roll my eyes. I put some stuff in but keep my sketchbook, binder, but get a different folder. Then I close my locker and put the lock on.
Both me and Roman quietly walk to the chorus room. Once we open the door, about 30, maybe even more students are sitting in chairs, chatting in groups.
Roman and I look at one another before finding two chairs and sitting next to each other. We start talking about random interests of each others. During the conversation, I find out that Roman is also a Disney fan. That is literally all we talk about, until we get interrupted.
"Hello class! Welcome to chorus! I'm Mrs. Dodie, and I'm going to be your chorus teacher this year. You will be picking a partner for a small project that will take a lot of practice over the next few weeks. For the project, you will be looking up a song with an emotion in it, and you must cut it into parts and sing it in front of the class. If there are any people you feel comfortable singing with, please raise your hand."
The whole class raises their hands, except for me. There's no one here that I feel comfortable singing with, so I'm probably going to get a big fat F. Besides, I can't sing.
"Oh, um, hmm, lets see, how about, Roman. Who would you like your partner to be?" She calls on Roman. I give him this betrayed look, but he smiles back to me.
"I'd like Virgil to be my partner." Roman exclaims. I look him dead in the eyes.
"Ok, let me write that down..." Mrs. Dodie mutters, taking a clipboard off her desk and writing down something. By this point I'm both shaking and blushing. Why would he choose me as his partner, for singing?!
"Alright! You two are partners, anyone else?" My mind goes blank. I'm completely spazzing out and shaking like crazy.
At the end of class, both me and Roman stand outside the chorus room, talking about the assignment.
"I was thinking we could practice at my house, my parents are both really invested in music. They can help us if needed." Roman brags again. I sigh.
"But we need a good date to do this, maybe over the weekend?" I ask under my breath. Roman gives me a somewhat seducing look, and I realize what I said.
"I-I m-mean- l-like a t-time to p-practice! N-Not an actual d-date!" I panic. My face is completely red, but Roman gives me an uncertain look.
"Suuuure." He smirks.
"SH-SHUT UP!!" I yell at him. He jumps back, a little surprised. I realize what I did and start tearing up.
"I-I-I'm s-sorry, I-I don't know wh-what came over m-me." I squeak. I turn to walk away but Roman grabs my wrist, pulling me back.
"Virg, it's fine, seriously. You just snapped and it's my fault for it. I know you wouldn't want to date me, you're way too good for me anways." He appologizes. "Now lets get back to class."
I nod in agreement, and with that, we both head back to our next class, which is English, yay.

Oof okay. So I wrote half of this story on my phone, and I wrote the second half on my new laptop! It's one of those 2 in 1 laptops where it's an iPad AND a laptop. ANYWAYS I hope you enjoyed, bai guys!

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