Chapter fifteen - Rehearsing

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What did he just say?! Did he just ask if me and Roman are going to share a bed?! Is he insane?! I turn ruby red.

"Uh, I guess we can share, no need to make space on the floor." Roman replies. I freeze. WHAT?! "Is that ok Virg?"

"U-u-uh..." I stutter. My body starts to freeze up. Roman must've noticed.

"We don't, have to share but, if you want to..."

"I-I-It's fine, I guess..." What am I saying?! Something could, happen and, yeah, but, you get my point. I take a small bite of my pizza.

"Alright, moving on. So are there any Disney songs that you have in mind?" Jon asks. I shrug and Roman replies with a "No". "Ooo, maybe something like a duet. That would be amazing!" Jon squeals and starts happily clapping. Thomas smiles and nods in agreement. I shudder at the thought and Roman actually agrees with them.

"Why are you agreeing with them?! You know we have to sing this in front of 50 people, right?" I kind of yell.

"Yeah, so?" He shrugs. I roll my eyes. "Come on just give it a shot!" Roman gives me a puppy dog face. I resist for a minute but finally sigh.

"Fine! Just, don't get expectations. I'm not good." I blush. Roman squeals and starts jumping up and down. I sigh and just stare at my pizza. I suddenly don't feel hungry. The nervousness I feel right now makes me less hungry.

"You okay Virg?" Roman looks at me. He reaches his hand out to me and puts his arm on my shoulder, I flinch. I look back at him and he looks a little hurt. Good going Virg! I try to think of an excuse.

"S-Sorry I was j-just thinking." I stutter, looking away from him. I put my hands in my pockets.

"What were you thinking about?" He asks in a swooning tone. I blush more.

"N-Nothing!" I once again stutter. I completely forgot that Jon and Thomas were here so I'm surprised to see them there.

"Here, how about I get you guys my laptop and you can find a song to practice?" Thomas asks, putting his paper plate in the trash. Roman nods frantically and I just shrug. "Alright! Me and Jon will get set up in the living room. You two get my laptop from my room and bring it to yours."

"Ok!" Roman replies before grabbing my hand and bringing me to the location. His hand is warm, it makes me want to hold it more. We walk into his parents room and look around for his dad's laptop. Well, he was looking for it, I was on my phone the whole time. While I'm playing a game on my phone, I get a message from my dad.

I'm going to pick you up at 11 am tomorrow. So be ready to go.

I sigh and put my phone away. Roman walks past me with a grey Apple laptop in his arms.

"Come on Virgil, I got the laptop!" Roman calls after me. I come back to realization and I notice Roman's walking away from me. I scowl and run after him.

We reach his room, well, Roman does first and then I do. That little dunce. But when I reach his room he's sitting on his bed. He motions for me to sit next to him. I resist for a minute but finally do so. His bed is very comfy. It's like you're sitting on a cloud. I can't resist but to get comfier in my spot next to Roman. He looks at me.

"Can I tell you something?" Roman asks, looking over at me.

"Uh sure." I reply, looking him in the eyes. They look like chocolate vats that look a mile deep if you jump into them. Like you'd drown or get lost.

"So uh, my parents are gonna go to the store tomorrow at 9, so I was thinking..." He mumbles. I already know what he's going to say. I blush.

"Well uh, we shouldn't go that far but, we can, uh, you know." I mumble, trying to hide my face under my hair. Roman let's out a small, adorable, laugh.

"I didn't mean that far! I meant just, you know, kissing..." He giggles, a little embarrassed. I turn beet red. "Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable." He leans over to me and kisses me on the cheek. I smirk slightly and turn red more.

"You're not." I reply, resting my head on his shoulder. "So what are we trying to find?"

"A song to practice for the chorus assignment," He says, opening the laptop. He goes onto Google(not spondered) and looks up Disney songs. There's a bunch on here. But the one that catches my eye is Poor Unfortunate Souls. I like that one.

"Hmm, A Whole New World, Part Of Your World, ooo! How about this one?" Roman moves the mouse cursor to another song I didn't see. I almost lose my lunch.

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