Chapter ten - The Talk

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Seeing as school started on Thursday, Friday wasn't that different than the first day, it was probably even more boring. There was only work, but Roman made it somewhat funner.
Once I got home, I remembered to ask my parents about the weekend. I didn't ask yesterday because I was too lazy.
I open the door to my house, stepping inside before closing it again behind me. My eyes immediately dart to the kitchen, loud (horrible) music is playing, it sounds like Justin Bieber or someone. I put my hood up before speed walking to my room, but someone grabs hold of my bag and I literally squeak.

"Hey Virg, where are you going?" I turn around to see my Dad looking down at me. Ugh, I hate being smol.

"To my room...?" I reply sarcastically.

"What do you have for homework?" He asks, a little more stern.

"I-I don't know..." I reply again, starting to tremble a little bit. I remember what I was going to ask, but now wasn't a good time to ask-
"CAN I GO OVER TO MY FRIENDS HOUSE THIS WEEKEND?!" I blurt out. Well, time to go dig out my grave.

"Sure, but you gotta do your homework, it's your top priority." I groan and move my bag away from his grasp. "Don't give me that attitude, you know it needs to be done."

"When are we ever going to need this in real life?" I sigh.

"Because when you go to college you'll need a good education -"

"I'm not going to college, you already know this." I explain to him. My Dad sighs before running his hand through his hair in stress. Yeah, I'm a handful.

"What do you have for homework?" He asks again, changing the subject.

"Just a chorus assignment that I have to work on with my partner." He gives me a suspicious look. "I'm being honest! Do you really not trust me?"

"Just go to your room, I've had enough of this." He mumbles, seeming annoyed.

Suddenly, the music stops from the kitchen and my Papa walks out to greet me. "Hi Virg! How was your day?"

I flinch. "Good, I guess..." He walks up to me and gives me a hug. I don't hug back because I'm a rebel.

"You can go over to your friends house if you'd like." He said. I freeze like a deer in headlights. "Is it a sleepover or...?"

"I dunno, I can ask," I reply, taking out my phone and texting Roman about what my Papa asked.

Is it like a sleepover or...idk my parents asked.

Almost immediately, Roman replies back.

If you want, my parents are okay with it.

I think a sleepover would be best, so we can practice the assignment as long as we need to.

Sounds good! 11am tomorrow?

Sure. See you then.

"He said yeah. And 11 am tomorrow." I tell my parents.

"Alright! I have a job interview at 9, Lo, can you drive him there before you go to work?" My Papa asks my Dad.

"Sure." He replies. He sounds and looks annoyed.

"Ok, I'm going to my room now." I mumble.

"Ok! I'll call you when dinners ready!" He calls back. I reach my room but my Dad's voice in the distance stops me from closing the door.

"He is such a pain." He groans.

"You have to be patient with him, he's still growing." My Papa replies to him.

"Do you know how often I try? And he doesn't listen? Sometimes I wish he would just cooperate-" I slam my door shut and shuffle to my bed, laying my bag on the floor next to me and sitting on my bed. Hot tears well up in my eyes and I try and hold them back, but they just roll down my cheeks. My face feels warm and I glance around the room. I go up to my window and open it, wiping my eyes before I do so. The cold breeze blows against my face and making my hair fly everywhere. I lean against the windowsill to get a better view of the neighborhood. It's very calm and peaceful, and quiet. I can hear the clock ticking, which is how silent it is. My room is on the second level, so I get a good view from my window. Suddenly, my eyes slowly look down at the ground. Solid cement.

Should I do it?

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