Chapter thirteen - The Sleepover

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Roman texts me his address and I send it to my Dad. I look around in my closet for a bag of some sort, but I happen to find my bag from last year. It's just a Nightmare Before Christmas bag. But it's a little worn out, the zipper is broken, the characters are peeling off, it's not a lovely sight. But it's better than nothing.
I take it and just stuff some clothes into it. After,  I walk to the bathroom and grab my eyeshadow, and stuff it into my bag. I grab my charger and my phone, and put my charger in my bag and my phone in my pocket. Then I walk downstairs and sit on the couch. I pull out my phone and just play a random game. The time is 11:32, so close.

"VIRG, LET'S GO!" My Dad says from the front door. I jump up with my bag and swing it over my shoulder. My heart is pounding so much I may as well explode. Once I walk to the front, my dad apparently noticed my nervousness, for what he says next is pretty obvious.

"Don't be nervous, he's your boyfriend, he wouldn't judge you for anything you do, he loves you for who you are." He says calmly, slipping on his shoes. My face turns a little red, but I don't deny what he says.

"Th-Thanks," I reply. I really do mean it. It makes me feel slightly better, slightly.

"Not a sweat, I'm here for you kid, doesn't matter how aggravating you are sometimes, I still love you." I smile slightly. "Let's get you over to your boyfriend's house, you're probably dying to see him."

"What? No..." I mumble, putting on my shoes as well. My Dad opens the door and holds it open for me. I walk outside and he follows behind me. The air is crisp and warm, with no clouds seen in the sky. I speedwalk to the car and plop into the passenger seat. My Dad slides into the drivers seat and starts up the car.

We drive to Roman's house, which isn't that far away from mine. The GPS shows that it's only 6 minutes away, so 6 minutes to panic. I sneak occasional glances at my Dad, he's just staring ahead at the road. I sigh and look out the window, holding my head up with my arm. I then realize I forgot to put on my eyeshadow and I bury my face in my arms.

"We're almost there, don't stress." He mutters, as if reading my mind. If I ever get to nervous or worried about something, I'll start having a panic attack. I start to take deep breaths. I have to meet his parents and I'm nervous. Am I going to sleep on the floor? What if his parents don't like me and they tell me to leave? What if I mess up? What if-

"We're here, Virg, I'll pick you up tomorrow when you're ready." I snap out of my thoughts and look at the house we are in front of. It's small, but cozy. There is a screen door in front of a red door. The house is pale white with a black roof. Two windows are on each side of the door.

"O-Ok..." I stutter, shaking as I slowly get my bag and open the door. I step out before my dad puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Take it easy, ok?" He says, smiling slightly. I nod as I close the car door once I get out of it. The car drives away and I'm left on the sidewalk with my bag slung over my shoulder. I shuffle to the front door and open the screen door. It creaks open and it makes me jump slightly. I hold it open as I raise my hand to knock, and take a deep breath.
Before I can knock, the door swings open and Roman stands there in front of me. My face immediately goes pale. He smiles when he sees me and pulls me into a big hug. I'm taken by surprise when he does, but I hug back.

"Is this your boyfriend Roman?" A voice from inside the house asks. I freeze up.

"Yep! This is Virgil!" Roman introduces. I'm being 100% serious, but I stopped breathing for a minute. A tall man, surprisingly taller than Roman, walks into the room. He has dark brown hair, a blue shirt, and black jeans. He looks like my Papa but without glasses. His smile is from ear to ear which makes me feel slightly more better and relaxed.

"It's nice to finally meet you Virgil! I'm Thomas!" He greets me, holding out his hand to me. I stare at it in confusion, wondering what I'm supposed to do. After a few seconds he just says, "Never mind. Have you had anything to eat yet? We were just about to order pizza."

"Uh, yeah, I ate." My stomach suddenly growls super loudly and I go red.

"Ok so you didn't." He says as he pulls out his phone.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I just didn't want you to waste your money on me-"

"Virg calm down, he's just ordering the pizza." Roman says, trying to calm me down.

"Oh, uh, right, I knew that." I mumble.

"You kids go get situated upstairs while the pizza gets delivered." Thomas says. Roman quickly darts to his room and I follow after him.

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