The Plan~

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I ran upstairs.

Alexa: Lulu! Alice! Lizzy! Orchid! In the car now!

Orchid: Is something the matter?

Alexa: Yeah there's something the matter get you asses in the car! It's important!

I leave the room. There's no doubt I left them confused. We got in the car a drove off.

Alexa: Alice call the boys! We only need Tom, Star Fire and Yusef not Max!

Alice: On it!

Alice: Lizzy call my sister! We gonna need all hands on deck here!! Tell them to meet us at the Café near the broad-walk!

Lizzy: Will do!

We got to the Café and the others were there too.

Star Fire: What's with the SOS call! We were getting ready for the Graduation!

Orchid: We were too!

Lily: Is everything ok?

Alexa: Guys! I figured out who I want to date!

Alice: Finally!

Lulu: Amazing!

Alexa: We are going to Announce it doing the Graduation Ceremony!!

Yusef: Great Idea Alex!

Alexa: But I can't do it alone! Are you guys with me?

Lulu: Of course we are!

We put are hands on the middle.

Alice: Team Alexa on three! One. Two. Three.

We are put our hands up.

Alexa: but this is our little secret ok guys? Max and Victoria can't know about it!

Lizzy: Got it!

Lily: Ok guys let's go make the magic happen!!

We are cheered.

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