The Ball Dance~

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Me and Victoria got dropped of by her parents at the front of the school.

Victoria: Ready to be my date for this evening?

I smiled and nodded. We saw Max waited for us outside. He was wearing a black tux with black pants and shoes.

Max: Oh! You guys look amazing! I mean two....there are no words!

We both smile.

Max: Umm....I was wondering if we could share I can slow dance with her?

Victoria looks at me and smiles.

Max: I guess we can share her!

I smile at her. Than we walked in. The gym was filled with party decorations and balloons. I look to the DJ table.

Alexa: Yusef's the DJ?

Max: Yep! His knows pretty good music!

I saw Lizzy at the drinks table. She sees me and whispers something to Star Fire who's standing right next to her. Star Fire goes over to the DJ table and whispers something to Yusef. Yusef nods and turns off the music.

Yusef: Everyone! I'll like to welcome the stars of the show...Victoria! Max! And Alexa!

The crowd cheers for us as we walk in. I wink at Lizzy she winks back. There are Cameras recording this whole thing. I don't want my fans missing any of it. Lily is dancing in the middle of the crowd. Lulu and Alice are at the food table. Star Fire and Lizzy are still at the drinking table. Orchid and Tom are talking to each other. Everything is going as planned.

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