Secrets Revealed

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Jack had fallen asleep against Mark's chest, his body clean and wet. The alpha smiled.
"Time to get out, pumpkin. You're turning into a prune."
The omega shifted and whined, mumbling something about Matt in his sleep. Mark sighed, draining the lukewarm water from the tub as he stood, Jack cradled in his arms.
He wondered what would happen once they had to leave, they wouldn't be able to stay here forever. Nate and Matt were their own couple, requiring their own space. That was one of the reasons Damien and Anti left, to be a couple by themselves. News about the warehouse must be everywhere by now, along with the kidnapping that was still making headlines. Mark didn't even know what was being said about him, having avoided the news and internet since he committed that terrible crime. He was curious, quickly drying them both off before carrying his sleeping mate back out to their room. He laid Jack down, covering him with the warm blankets as he turned on the small television that was in the guest room. The first few news stations didn't show anything but that was until he noticed they were all local. The next channel he turned to was national, and there he was, picture plastered in the corner of the screen while they interviewed someone from Mark's past. Felix.
"I've known Mark for years- I've never seen him as a kidnapper." Felix said, more serious than Mark's ever seen him. Mark's eyes widened when he saw Marzia standing next to him. He didn't exactly trust her after that whole ordeal in the hospital when she made Jack cry.
"How about you, miss? Any reason he might have taken Seàn?" The interviewer put the microphone up to Marzia who shook her head slightly.
"They could be mates." She pointed out in that gentle voice. Mark let out a relieved breath, running his fingers through Jack's damp hair.
"Well, that's an odd turn of events. We'll have more on this case later tonight, so tune in later."
And then it moved on to something else. Mark was about to shut it off, when he realized it was about the warehouse and Damien's business on the deep web. He cautiously set the remote down to watch what they had to say about it. A snooty looking blonde with a typical newscaster voice began to speak.
"Nevada cyber crimes division has released the identity of the man responsible for the horrific events that took place at this seemingly inconspicuous looking warehouse. Damien Dënim is the founder of a site called "mate me", a place where you can buy an omega for various purposes. The warehouse where he operated this vile business was left vacant, after an anonymous call brought police to the location. Dënim's partner, William Warfstache, was found shot and killed outside the property. More than two dozen male and female omegas were rescued from the building, Dënim's whereabouts are still unknown at this time."
Mark frowned slightly. So they were after Damien, too.
"We have a reporter at the scene of the warehouse. You there, Jim?" The screen split, showing a man standing in the warehouse with a microphone in hand.
"Thank you, Alisha. As you can see behind me, the omegas were held in what seems to be large dog crates with little room to move. It was also confirmed that many of them were chained to the walls and were free too," he made air quotes. "Try out."
Mark felt sick. How could something like this happen to his baby boy, of all things?
"Police have said that they found multiple omegas suffering from heat locked up in the basement." The reporter walked over to the heavy wooden door, gesturing to it. The lock that was on it was busted.
"It is speculated that there was once an alpha down there with them, due to the fact that traces of their scent were left on a collar that was chained to the wall."
Mark cringed, glancing back at his little omega that was peacefully sleeping next to him. So that's why Matt was so fucked up. Mark knew he was raped, but the details surrounding it were always a mystery. Jack never talked about what actually happened in there, always retreating into his headspace when the subject was brought up. Mark was unaware if Jack was assaulted as well, the boy was covered in blood and bruises, but he was too afraid to ask. His eyes shifted back towards the television, watching the reporter walk down the basement steps.
"As you can see, the basement area was used to detain those who went into heat during their captivity. We believe the alpha was used for breeding, finding traces of semen and slick where the collar was found. Dënim offered previously bred omegas to certain buyers that sought out the service. According to the cyber crimes division, more than 1,200 omegas were kept and sold here over a period of three years. One victim that was kept in captivity for the entire length of operation is still missing. Andrew Seipteach was reported missing in 2014 by his mother, Seipteach is the first known victim."
The screen showed a picture of Anti, back when his hair was a brownish gray. Damien must have dyed it to try to increase his appeal since he wasn't selling. That poor man has had to endure hell for so long, and now he was stuck with the devil for life, carrying his child. What a sad existence. Mark sighed, feeling the urge to hold Jack in his arms. So he did, careful not to wake him up as he scooped his small mate onto his lap. Jack mewled quietly, cuddling closer.
"If found, please call the police immediately. Seipteach is said to be unstable, with various mental illnesses such as anxiety, schizophrenia, and many others that could make him dangerous to himself and others."
Mark bit his lip, wondering if Anti was really fit to have a baby. He seemed fine when he was here, acting like any other pregnant omega. And it was oddly adorable watching him talk to his barely-there baby bump. Damien would sometimes join in reluctantly, Anti practically forcing him to talk to their child. Mark chuckled at the memories.
He remembered that around the time they left Damien was going into rut, and he hoped Anti was ok after that. Just the thought of Damien in rut while Anti was pregnant made his stomach twist, the alpha was rough with Anti already, who knows how mean he would be when he was practically an animal. Mark could hear Matt and Nate arguing, the sound of the television blaring once the bedroom door opened.
"That's what you were keeping from me?! The fact that I was a fucking sex slave?! What else are you hiding from me? What happened to me in there?!"

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