A Mother's Love

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"Momma?" Jack quietly spoke, turning his head to see his mother's tearstained face. His heart almost stopped when he saw his father step out of the car, rushing over to him and dropping to his knees.

"We were so worried about you! Oh, my baby's finally back!" Jack's mother cried, scooping him up and carrying him to the car. Her face paled as she took in his appearance. He was marked multiple times, dressed in only boxers and a shirt that were not his and reeked of two different alphas. The boy's feet were bloodied and cut up from the rocks and broken glass that were littering the side of the road, and his hair was dyed to hide his identity. From her perspective she was saving Jack from a horrible fate.

"Oh my god, Jack..." she sobbed, hugging the small boy close and kissing his hair.

"Momma, I..." He hesitantly hugged back, his mother walking to the car.

"Oh my god, what happened to you? What did they do?!" She asked frantically. Jack's father shushed her softly and pulled both of them against him.

"It's alright, he's back now." He said soothingly. Jack squirmed, whimpering.

"W-wait!" He mewled. He wanted Mark, he wanted his mate. Jack's mother placed him in the back seat, closing the door as she climbed in with him. The omega began to cry harder, feeling like his heart was being ripped from his chest. He needed to escape, get back to Mark and the others before he was gone for good. Knowing his parents, they most likely moved. So if Mark were to come looking for Jack he'd find nothing but an empty house.

"Momma, please. M-mark-"

"Will never hurt you again. I'm so sorry I ever left you with that horrible man. The things he did to you..I'll never forgive myself for that."

Jack whined, trying to lunge for the door.

"N-no, wait!" He pleaded, kicking and squirming, grabbing the handle.

"Jack, what's wrong? Are you ok?" His mother asked frantically. Jack whimpered.

"W-want alpha! Wan' Mark!" He said, shoving open the door and scrambling outside.

"Sweetheart- oh no, this is worse than we thought..." The poor woman whispered, grabbing her son gently.

At this point Mark was awake. He had finished searching the house for Jack, panicking when he couldn't find his little mate.

"Jack?!" Mark pulled open the door, scanning the driveway for anything that might point him in the right direction. Why would Jack just take off? And speaking of missing omegas, where the fuck was Anti? Mark felt his heart seize up in his chest, thinking that Anti took his mate and left. He could see the looks Anti gave him, the way he silently judged them all. He had to have done this. Jack wouldn't just run away.

"Jack!?" Mark yelled, hoping and praying he'd hear his mate's voice respond.

"Mark!" Jack squeaked pitifully as he was gently pulled back into the car. His heart ached terribly.

"Sweetheart, you need to calm down." His mother pleaded.

Mark's frantic eyes landed on something in the gravel. Little red splotches stained the ground, the alpha immediately running up to them. Small footprints, blood. Jack's blood. Mark dashed towards the road, following the bloody prints like his life depended on it. His eyes narrowed in on a car, one with California license plates. There was some obvious squabbling and struggling going on in the back seat, Mark's nose picking up Jack's scent along with something else.

"I'm coming baby!" Mark shouted, catching Jack's attention. He didn't mean to do it but in the heat of the moment he ended up smacking his own mother in order to get away. The omega scrambled out of the car, dashing towards his mate with teary and panicked eyes.

"Mark, please don't let them take me!" Jack choked out, colliding with Mark's body and taking him to the ground. Jack's father stepped out, growling like a rabid dog as he set his sights on Mark.

"You! I outta kill you for what you did to my son!"

Mark snarled viciously, holding Jack's trembling little body as he stood up. The omega was mewling and clinging to Mark tightly, entire body shaking.

"He's my mate." The alpha snapped, and Jack's mother gasped, covering her mouth.

"M-my baby..." she whined. Jack nuzzled closer as his father strode up to Mark, radiating anger.

"And he's my son! You took him from us, you got him pregnant." He was clenching his fists, wanting to punch Mark but being afraid he was going to hit Jack if he tried.

"Don' let 'em take me alpha, don' let 'em..." Jack begged. Mark hushed his mate, arms wrapped around him like he was a fragile infant.

"I won't baby, you're safe with me." Mark narrowed his eyes at the alpha, gritting his teeth as he growled. Jack was sobbing, hands balled up in Mark's shirt as he held on for dear life.

"Safe? He's been in danger since the day you came into his life! You raped him, impregnated him, caused him to lose the baby and damaged his body! You took him from his home, his school. You are a parasite!"

Mark's expression shifted a bit. He was right. Jack has been in so much physical and emotional pain since the day he mated him. He did rape Jack the first time they mated, since Jack was under the influence of his heat and was unable to properly consent. Not to mention the fact that he was only fifteen and was a virgin at the time. He wasn't even sure he loved Jack until the boy almost died due to a preventable pregnancy. Mark was careless and irresponsible with the boy, taking him away from his family and removing the opportunity for him to live a normal life. This should be Jack's decision, but he was taking that away from him as well.

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