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Jack mewled, reaching out for his momma, and Mark handed him to her gently. She held her baby close, crying silently.

"I'll l-lift the charges." She whispered, rubbing the boy's back and listening to him purr. They began nuzzling gently, before Jack gasped.

"A-Anti, he left." He said, squirming a bit. Mark cursed under his breath. He had forgotten that Anti was gone with what had been going on. He figured the omega went back with Damien and that didn't sit right with him. Damien abused Anti, he could only imagine the horrid things the alpha would do once he saw him again. Anti did try to kill him, almost succeeding with that frying pan to the head. But there really wasn't anything that Mark could do to stop Anti from leaving or going back to that abusive asshole. The omega was his own person, able to make decisions for himself. He didn't even know where to start looking. All that mattered right now was his little family. Nate was sitting on the couch, tenderly nursing Matt's busted nose with a damp washcloth. Nothing appeared to be broken, but it would leave one hell of a bruise behind. Jack and his mother were still snuggling, working through this situation in their own way. All that was left to deal with was Rick, still laying on the floor in a small pool of blood. He wasn't dead, far from it, but perhaps he would think twice about the way he treats Jack.

Mark smoothed down Jack's faded hair as the boy was coddled and loved. Jack missed his mother so much, purring cutely as he nuzzled and loved up on her.

Mark smiled, walking over to Matt to kiss his forehead gently.

"You're not hurt too bad?" He murmured, and Matt shook his head. Mark rubbed the omega's chin with the pad of his thumb.



Anti was panting, barely able to keep dragging himself onwards. The omega took a break to rub his protruding stomach.

"We're gonna find daddy, baby..." He whispered, tears sparkling in those green eyes. He wanted to find Damien, he needed to. His heart felt so empty and cold.

But, he had come to despise that alpha, just like when he was first captured. Anti decided that night that he escaped that he was nobody's slave, not even Damien's. And he was going to make sure the alpha knew it. Anti sat down on a bench across from a gas station, staring down at his slightly squirming belly. It was freezing out and the omega was only dressed in a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater. The shoes he wore were originally Matt's, the omega taking them without permission with the intent of returning them once he sorted this mess out. He almost didn't notice the frail woman that sat down next to him, gray hair in a messy ponytail with bangs hanging in her wrinkled face. Her scent was familiar to him, dragging up long lost memories from his mind that hurt to remember.

"You're gonna freeze to death out here, ya know." The woman said, accent a bit southern with a heavy smokers cough that followed afterward.

"Why don't you and that precious baby come inside and I'll call you a taxi. Can't have you gettin' sick now can we?"

She even sounded like his mother. But that wasn't possible, he hasn't seen her in years. Anti's eyes peered up at the woman, ready to give a reply until he saw her. She was thin and scrawny, aged features brought on from years of chain smoking and stress. Her uniform belonged to the gas station across the street, the name "Peggy" engraved on the nametag that was pinned to her shirt.

"Momma bear.." Anti whispered, unable to believe his own eyes. Was it really her?

The woman's eyes widened, sitting up straight. She hasn't been called that since...

"Baby... bear?" She whispered. Those emerald eyes she loved so much stared up at her, Anti's features still soft and squishy. The man nodded frantically, bursting into sobs as he tackled his mother in a hug. His belly got a little in the way but they managed.

"Baby- oh my god! I thought I'd never see you again, I, I-" She sputtered, breathing in her son's scent. She couldn't believe it. She found her baby boy. Anti held onto her thin body with a death grip, fingers feeling the bones of her spine that showed she wasn't eating as much. His absence had taken such a toll on her that she practically wasted away to nothing. Anti was her entire world, caring for him was the only thing that kept her together. Once he was gone she just caved in on herself. Anti was an only child, a problematic hand full when he was younger. He wasn't aware that he was bipolar or that his brain had difficulty processing emotions. It's why his father left, the reason his mother smoked so much. Once he was on medication and could function a little better their relationship grew stronger. All they had was each other and Damien took that away from them. Anti was angry, resentful of how much of her life Damien drained away. But he was still the father of their baby and he deserved a chance to at least be a part of that child's life. Peggy pulled back a little, tears of absolute joy streaming down her face. Her wrinkled hands touched his belly, heart swelling at the thought of having a grandbaby. There were so many questions left unanswered, so much time to make up for. She didn't even know where to start.

"What happened to you? Where were you all this time?"

Anti placed his hands over her's, rubbing them softly.

"Th-they took me away mommy, but I escaped." He whispered, Peggy's scent similar to his own, a sweet peppermint. The woman gasped softly, scooting closer and hugging Anti against her chest, fingers running through his hair.

"My poor baby, you must've been through hell." She whimpered, kissing the top of his head. Anti mewled, nuzzling closer.

"A-and... I was just going to see my mate." He said, rubbing his belly. His mother perked up.

"My baby bear has a mate? Oh my goodness..." she hugged him closer. Anti sighed.

"He isn't the best mate mommy, I r-ran away... but it hurts, I need to go back. It hurts so much momma bear.." He whined, hiding his face in her neck. Was Damien feeling this pain too?

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