Happy Thoughts

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Mark wasn't that much of a dick. He smiled softly, wrapping his arms around Nate's waist and pulling the smaller alpha onto his lap.

"Cum whenever you want, sweetheart." He rumbled, grabbing Nate's red cock and pumping him slowly. Nate's back arched, moaning weakly as his arms wrapped around Mark's neck. His hips bucked, nails gripping Mark's shoulder blades as he released suddenly.

"A-ah, hah..." Nate panted and moaned, thick, hot strings of white covering Mark's stomach, mixing with Jack's. Nate had tears running down his cheeks, nuzzling into Mark's neck as he placed little kisses against his tan skin.

"M'sorry, I'm trying not to get in the way. Jack's your mate, not mine. Please forgive me." The smaller cried, clutching onto Mark tightly. He was a little emotional at the moment, just needing a few reassuring words that Mark still loved him despite acting out of turn. Mark sighed, strong arms wrapped around his waist as he cuddled the singer.

"I was never upset, baby. Jack is my mate but I'm your alpha as well. I care about you too and I'm a lot more understanding than I used to be, but you still need to know where you rank."

Nate nodded, nosing at Mark's tanned skin.

"I'm below you, a-alpha..." He mewled, and Mark chuckled. Gently, he lied Nate down next to Jack, watching as they immediately cuddled up to each other with tiny, exhausted purrs.

"Mm, daddy..." Jack made grabby hands at Mark, who grinned and lied behind him, arm wrapping around his tiny body. Jack felt safe, and warm, comfortably sandwiched between the two alphas he loved.

"Where's Matty?" He yawned, nuzzling into Nate's chest.

"Downstairs with Anti, pumpkin." Mark rumbled, rubbing Jack's soft hip and waist slowly. The omega whined, missing Matt. Their little cuddlefest was nice, but he needed Matt to make it feel complete.

"Wan' Matty." Jack mewled, trying to sit up but failing miserably. Mark chuckled, placing a hand firmly on the center of Jack's chest.

"Matty's busy, baby. Lay down and take a nap, you're exhausted." Mark gently cooed, pushing him back down. Jack couldn't disobey even if he wanted to, allowing Mark to pull him close as they snuggled. Nate was already passed out, slightly drooling on the pillow as his breaths became deep and rhythmic. It was soothing for Jack to listen to him, even while he slept the alpha sounded beautiful.

Downstairs, Anti and Matt were sitting on the couch, watching cheesy Netflix shows and talking about their babies. Both were clearly excited for them.

"It took me so long to finally get pregnant." Matt giggled softly, lying down on the couch with his shirt up. Anti had the armchair, rubbing his belly fondly. He was so glad he could finally talk to someone like Matt. Another omega who he could almost relate to.

"The first time he came in me, I think that's when it happened." Anti giggled, looking back at the memory. He was so happy back then, Damien had bred him, and claimed him... But now he's back to his old ways. The omega sighed sadly, feeling the baby move. He missed Damien, even though he knew he shouldn't. It was nice to get away and feels safe for a change, but his soul still craved his mate. It didn't matter how abusive and toxic Damien was, Anti still loved him. Matt frowned, noticing the forlorn look in Anti's eyes.

"What's the matter?" Matt asked, pausing the movie that was playing in the background. Anti shook his head, just wanting to forget about Damien and move on. His fingers played with the hem of his sweater, wanting to pull out his needles and channel his negative thoughts on something good. He couldn't have an episode here.

Think happy thoughts, Anti.

"I-it's nothing. Just a little tired."

Matt smiled reassuringly, sitting up.

"You can use the guestroom, even though Mark and Jack have fucked on that bed... I can change the sheets for you." He grinned. Anti frowned. Jack was like his kid, and hearing about him having sex struck a protective nerve. The omega was too young for that. He should be going to school and instead he's got a couple alphas literally up his ass. Which brought Anti to a question.

"Where are Jack's parents?" He asked. It was a little odd, they never talked about the fact that Jack never went to school and his parents weren't here. He didn't know Mark was wanted by the police, or that he had accidentally gotten Jack pregnant before. Even Matt didn't know all the details about the kidnapping, and when Jack told him about his previous pregnancy it was right before they were taken to the warehouse. Matt still hasn't recovered that memory, and there was no telling when he would. Matt pursed his lips, shrugging since he didn't know exactly where Jack's parents were. From what Nate told him, Jack was a runaway.

"I'm not sure. Jack ran away with Mark a few months ago, they've been here ever since."

Anti felt sick. Jack threw his future away just so he could be with some boy? Anti remembers hearing the distant sound of a televised interview with his mother. He can't forget how broken she sounded or how much his own heart broke when he was ripped away from her by Damien and Will. He'd give anything to see her again. He couldn't even imagine what Jack was going through, being pulled away from his parents at such a young age. He deserved better than that. Anti sighed, giving in to his desires as he pulled out his knitting supplies and got to work. It was really the only thing that was keeping him from having an outburst, allowing him to focus on something else rather than his own gnawing depression. With each passing second the ache in his chest grew, slowly consuming him like quicksand until it buried him alive. Anti couldn't go back to Damien, he's proven himself to be unworthy of Anti's love and devotion. Anti just needed to remind himself of that.

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