s i x- shes not coming back

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The September sun was still high in the sky washing the school with a golden glow, it was unusual for school to look appealing to me but still it was. I waited outside for Karim and Vin, Athena wasn't going to be hanging around with us after school anymore with Eliza around, and secretly I was glad.

I mean she may be one of my best friends but I could always notice how close she got and the things she did in front of people to start gossip.

As soon as I saw them in conversation I was happy to get as far away from school as possible.

"Where to?" I asked, I mean we had 3 houses as options or to go out.

"Come to mine," Vin said, we left to get into our cars and race to his, whoever was last was paying for our food.

Vin didn't have a family house like Karim and I, he had a penthouse in town, mainly because his family house is probably smaller than Karim and I's bedrooms. He never brought his family with him, he gave them money but said everyone but his little sister didn't deserve the money.

We all fell on the bed, deflated after spending 6 hours in hell.

"Eliza, eh?" Karim said, trying to start a conversation.

"I sold pills to her and her friend in the summer." Vin explaining his weird interaction before, "I've never seen anyone like her."

Me and Karim just looked at him with confused glares, but with Vin that wasn't new.

"She's batshit crazy, I'll tell you that. Dancing all night long with Paddy just staring at her watching out for her."

"Is he her boyfriend," I ask, I think it was too sharp and quick as they looked at me like I was seeing green or something... I definitely wasn't.

"Nah. I know him from summer, good guy probably spend his whole life following her around silently, she hasn't noticed yet."

Karim was studying me, he was a great analysis of character and my choice of words or lack there of in social situations let him be able to communicate with me almost telepathically but he wasn't talking to me now, he was reading me.

"Why do you like her or something T," Karim finally said.

"No." I brushed it off. Sure I like her company, she was easy to be with but not like that. I mean she is stunning but no. Tommen it's a no, just no.

"She's not coming back," he replied.

"You don't know that."

"Yeah, she said she'd come back," Vin added.

"She also said she wouldn't break you two but here we are."

"Why are you so cynical about her, K?"

"You are both too in love with a girl that never really loved you the same, she left. Constance isn't here, and the longer you wait the more time you waste."

I tried to formulate a sentence but couldn't.

"And if she decides to show up what's she going to do? Pick? She played you like monopoly and you're both going bankrupt, move on."

She said she was coming back, Con wouldn't promise what she couldn't deliver. I mean sure she had lied, to us both but she never promised on the things she said.

"Karim, you're being too harsh on her. She was your friend aswell as ours, why don't you want her back," Vin answered.

"It really does go through one ear and out of the other with you Vin. She broke my two best mates, and they've still got rose coloured glasses on about her."

I remember when it all came out, the way she'd planned it perfectly until that moment. But I could hate Constance, even when Karim and my brothers wanted me to.

"Just change the subject, I hate talking about her." I did, I liked to think about her, just not talk about her.

I like making hypotheticals about when she will return. I like looking at all our pictures and seeing the happy me. I like re reading text messages searching for a sign. I like listening to her voice on old videos.

Sometimes I'll ring her number, she probably has a new phone now, but I'll ring it. I'll tell her everything's that going on, how much I miss her, how much I love her, I beg her to come back. But I don't even think she listens, I don't even know if she sees it.

Constance used to be the best thing in my life, she used to be the reason I did everything. She was the only thing that made me smile, she was the best thing for me. And then she slept with my best friend repeatedly behind my back while telling him that we were in a fake relationship for popularity.

She was the reason my world spun.

And she now only exists in my memories while a reality of her being here is distant.

A/N Maddies Da sells Avon xx

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