f i f t e e n- i promise

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Large room. Lots of paintings. Dark walls. Big hoodie. Empty king sized bed.

Where the fuck am I?

I sat up and immediately flopped down as my head started to throb.

Last thing I remember I was dancing with Athena, then I was throwing up with Vin, and now I've woken up in a strangers bedroom.

I checked for my underwear which was on, okay haven't had a forgettable one night stand.

Should I do the walk of shame out of here, I looked at the bed side table and their was a glass of water and two paracetamols.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Tommen walking out of a door, steam following him as he had wet hair and comfortable clothes on.

I'm in Tommens room? I didn't even see him last night.

"Sleep well?"

"I have a banging headache."

"That's what the paracetamols for, love."

Love. I liked that coming out of his mouth.

I gulped down the water and swallowed the tablets.

He came and sat on the bed next to me, I gave him a thankful smile.

"Did I go to far again?"


"Where even am I?"

"My house."

Tom was so nonchalant about this whole situation. But really inside I could tell he was bothered about something, it's his eyes, they're tellers.

He was closer to me now than before, I leaned in, trying to seem confident but really my brain was resembling mush right now.

Water hung from the ends of his hair, sometime dropping onto his face. He smelt fresh and warm, I just wanted to be with him all day.

"Are you mad at me?"

He span a piece of my hair in his hands, as he looked deep into my eyes.

"I get why you did it, but I'm still worried that you did."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't start with that bullshît Eliza, don't say, 'I would have been fine' or some other crap. I was worried because you couldn't even walk straight let alone think straight, and what if Vin never called me and I was some random man, who did what they wanted. Just don't do that shït to me."

I think my hearts swelling, he's adorable.

Oh my god, I like him more than I thought I did. He's going to ruin this all, what if he makes me not want to go back. Oh crap I need help.

"Tom, I'm- I'm-," why the fuck can't I say it, I hate my stubborn ass, "I'm sorry alright, I don't want you to stress."

"I won't if you promise to stop this, as long as your here."

"I promise," I whisper closer than before, his hot breath fanning over my face as my insides twist and turn.

He looks at my lips and then to my eyes, and he leans in and kisses me.

It's not soft. It starts out angry, like he might not see me again before slowing down and pulling away. Just looking into my eyes, we'd done it before but this felt different.

My mouth moved but no words fell out, because when he kissed me last I didn't know him but somehow know I felt like I did, and it was different.

We were different. Because before I didn't know him, I still don't really, and he didn't know me. He was someone I'd leave in 2 weeks when my grand plan of coming home worked but now I think I'd stay just for a little bit longer... with him.

"Come on, let's get some food down you."

I groaned as he took my hand and dragged me down the stairs.

Going to Aggies was such a different world to my old school. If I fell asleep in anyone of their rooms I'd walk down stairs to a terraced house with living room and a kitchen. Not a mansion with a large sweeping stair case.

As much as I loved my old school I never took them back to my house in fear of judgement, when your hanging around with the people lifes done hard to and you're fine you'd be lying saying they're not going to judge you.

His kitchen was dark wood, and clean, with a breakfast bar that he clearly wanted me to sit on as he pulled out a chair.

A bowl of cereal was thrown at me dinner style, as Tom just watched. "You're not eating?"

"I already have," he kept glancing to the door as if he was scared of who was going to walk through I just ignored him. I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed about me or embarrassed about them.

The world seemed to fade around me. We just sat in his room with the television as background noise to our conversations. I'd tell him about home, he'd tell me about his big family, we talked about music, films, what we love. It's funny how when you meet someone you actually like all their likes matter to you were they never before.

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