february 21, 2017

63 2 1

i was sleeping peacefully, my head on colby's shoulders, his head on top of mine. that was until there was yell heard for corey.

"WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK?" he yelled. everyone instantly woke up. he's still freaking out and colby instantly stand ups, pulling me up with him.

"MY FUCKING BLANKET. WHAT THE FUCK DUDE. MY BLANKET JUST PULLED OFF." i rubbed my eyes, there was now adrenaline rushing through my body again.

"what?" amanda asks.

"my blanket just flew off."
"elton lets go. let's go, let's go."

"your not kidding? you're serious?"

"someone just pulled the blanket!" he yells again.

"get a flashlight, is someone around here?" sam groggily says. colby starts to shine his flashlight.

"what time is it?"
"can we freaking go"
"i wanna go"

i grab elton's camera and show corey pacing.

"i didn't see shit, someone pulled the blanket" he explains.

"grab you bags let's go." elton announces.

my stomach dropped as i looked at the wall next to where we were sleeping. 'no's' covered it completely. something bad is gonna happen i thought to myself.

"WE NEED TO GO NOW" i yell. we all start making our way out & towards our cars.

"guys. guys. guys." amanda gets our attention and points her light to the wall. it's covered in 'no'.

"it's okay. i'm gonna get you out safe okay?" colby whispers into my ear. a wave a calmness flows through my body.

"GO GO." sam shouts. we starting running but i can't because of my leg. colby picks me up and starts running with me in his arms. we make it to the neighborhood.

"we're good, relax, calm down, let's just walk to the car." conveniently bailey and i's car was close. but i don't think i could drive.

"how you doing taylor?" elton asks.

"i'll be okay." i wince as colby sets me down.

"how you doing corey?"

"i swear something pulled that blanket" we continue to talk, and elton does his outro. he made a deal with the boys to go to an amusement park & had ask if bailey & i would be interested. i obviously said yes. everyone groggily continue to walk towards our cars. my car was a few houses before their car, but we still had a block or so.

corey walked with sam, and bailey.

amanda walked with elton.

and corey & i walked behind everyone together.

"you know...although it was fucking terrifying, i'm glad i got the chance to meet you." i say softly. i had such a good time with everyone, something felt right.

"you're talking as if it's the last time i'll see you." he chuckled.

"i don't even know who you are or what your channel is, but i'm more than positive you got better things to do then spend time with some low life." i shrugged being 100% honest.

"you're funny. i want to see you again. i had a good time with you." he smiled.

"oh? really?"

he laughed, "yes really, here."
he handed me his phone. i smiled and quickly typed in my number. we arrived at my car.

"well i had a great time with you guys. thank you for being so laid back, i appreciate it." i smile.

"IM GONNA CRY" corey pretend to cry as he hugged me. everyone except colby gave me a hug, bailey got in the drivers seat and everyone kept walking, except colby was still standing here.

"hey taylor."


he gave me a meaningful hug, "tonight you lit up a spark of passion in me that had been dying recently. i had a great time, and i wouldn't have wanted to get attacked by demons with anyone else. and i really wanna take you out sometime." he bit his lip

"text me" i winked & got in the car.

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