february 22, 2017

75 2 0


unknown number: hey, it's colby :)

taylor: holaaaa

taylor: i didn't think you would actually text me lmao

colby: why wouldn't i?

colby: i was serious, i wanna take you out.

colby: that is if you are down ??

taylor: sorry, unlike you, i don't go out with losers ;)

colby: i feel attacked

taylor: ahahah

taylor: but in all seriousness, i would love to

colby: YAYYA

colby: ahem

colby: i mean cool ig


colby: BULLY

taylor: okay question

colby: ask away

taylor: can we not go on a stupid cliche date? that's not me.

colby: hell no. fuck that

colby: i dont really go on dates in general, but i hate small stupid cliche dates. you cant make any memories from that.

colby: does tomorrow work for you?

taylor: yes !

taylor: where we going & what should i wear ??

colby: dont worry about it and wear something you usually would wear

taylor: ugh i hate surprises but okkk

colby: better get use to it beautiful, my life is full of them

colby: ill pick you up tomorrow :)

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