🥀Chapter Six🥀

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Elena POV
So the tragedy is all because of me. Everything is my fault. It would've never happened if I hadn't run off. Now, I'm in a hospital bed, again, watching the news. It's around 7 o' clock in the morning here in Chicago. I'm far away from my home. I can't believe they dragged me here. By the way, I didn't die because I'm still here, unfortunately. I'm supposed to be in Miami right now but no. I'm stuck here. I still wonder why they brought me all the way to Chicago. They have a house in Miami unless they sold it but I know they wouldn't do that. I shake my head and focus on the news while eating this horrible jello. I immediately spit out the jello in my mouth.

"Police are now arresting 34 year old Elizabeth Kruckenburg and 36 year old Jacob Kruckenburg for sexually abusing 17 year old Elena Brown. Police are looking for Elena Brown for any answers. The mayor is asking anyone that has seen Elena to please bring her to the authorities immediately. I'm Chelsea Thorn, News 8."

I can't believe what I just heard. MARIA'S PARENTS ARE ARRESTED BECAUSE OF ME. Wait but they didn't sexually abuse me. My foster parents did. No they didn't do what I think they did. Fuck! But how did they prove to the police that is was them? I have to get out of here. I have to save her parents. I eat up the rest of my food and throw it in the trash. I walk to the cupboard and pull out my clothes. I walk over to the bathroom and lock it. While in the process of taking my shirt off, I hear someone come in my room. Wow they're rude. I didn't hear a knock. I heard his deep voice and it scared the living hell out of me.

"Princess. It's time to go now. Do you need Daddy to help you in there? I'll make it amazing for you." he said in a deep voice, rattling the bathroom door knob.

Eww he's a creep. Why the fuck would I let a child rapist in here? I look for a way to escape but this time there's no window. I hear him banging on the door loudly. I look around for any sharp objects and I find a pointy pen thing. I fix the hem of my shirt and unlock the door while putting the object in my back pocket. And now I gotta face the child rapist.

"Took you long enough, Princess. I was getting worried about you." he says with a smirk forming on his face.

"Don't give me that nasty ass smirk of yours. What are you doing in here anyways? I was about to go down to the cafeteria and get something to eat." I say as I proceed to head towards the door.

"We're leaving. People are getting too suspicious. The car is outside waiting." he says as he forcefully grabs my wrist and starts to pull me.

"I'm not going with you, old man. Instead, I have a better idea." I say as grab the pointy pen thing and stab him in his stomach.

I grab my bag that's sitting on the chair and run out of the room for my life. I walk towards the elevator and press the button to open it. It opens and as I lift my head up, I immediately start to back away.

"Elena, where's your father? Did you do something?" she says as she walks faster towards me.

"I don't have to tell you anything, bitch. You're not my mother." I say as I start running towards the stairs.

"Come back here, you slut! You won't escape me!" she says as I hear something rattle from behind, causing a huge ruckus.

I turn around slowly and look at her. She's holding a syringe filled with some type of liquid substance. She starts to walk closer and closer to me. I start to back up and push the door in front of me. I turn around quickly and to my luck, it was stairs that lead down to the next level. I rush down the stairs. I run around the corner and find myself on the main floor. I look around for the nurse's room. All I kept finding was a janitors closet or storage. I had finally found the nurse's room and ran in there. I grabbed a medical kit and before approaching the door, I heard her voice.

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