No Boys Allowed: A Confession

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I yelled out loud.
'No no no no' I thought to myself. I couldn't be going to a Christian boarding school right? She's not that cruel... Right? I continued to read the paper. It says each student gets a dorm room with a roommate. Students will be taught about religion, there's uniforms the students are required to wear... This is definitely Hell. This is just my mothers perfect solution of giving me away isn't it? She can't just throw me out, I'm not 18 yet. So she's just going to send me away to this school instead. Wow she really does hate me. She doesn't even want me to live in the same house as her anymore. I can't believe it, but at the same time this isn't that shocking... "-asha Akasha...AKASHA!" "HUH?" I shouted in surprise. "You're gonna be late to class idiot" a student from homeroom warned me while laughing and walking away with his friend. I sighed and put the paper in my purse while making my way to my first period. I don't know how I would be able to concentrate on anything else but I'll have to try. I took my first class which was English, then history, next I took reading, and my 4th period was 3D art, basically a sculpting class. I walked in and took a seat waiting for the teacher to explain the next assignment. He said we had to choose a partner and we would sculpt each others faces with monster clay. Eventually he the teacher was done talking and it was time to choose a partner but I had an idea of who that persons going to be "Akasha!" Yup...I knew it. "hey Ethan" I greeted the exited boy. "you want to be partners again?" He asked "how could I say no?" I responded with a slight chuckle. We began to take Monster Clay out and we started to sculpt. We did a lot so far we already made the head shape and were on our way to make the facial features "sorry, you have to sculpt something so ugly" I joked. "what? No way, you're beautiful..." he said the last part looking down in embarrassment. "oh, thank you" I said nervously. For a while I've been wondering if he liked me. But, he could just be really friendly... Right? Like just... Really reallyyyyyyyy friendly...Oh I hope he doesn't like me. The bell rang and I was going to make my way to my next class, until Ethan stopped me before I could actually leave. "Akasha wait!" he shouted while grabbing my arm stopping me in my tracks. "I um I need to tell you something important. Can you meet me at the exit of the building when school ends...?" he asked me. My heart started racing. And not in one of those good exited ways. I really didn't want him to ask what I think he's going to ask. "oh um yeah okay I'll meet you" I accepted his request. I saw his face glow a little and he thanked me. Then made his way to lunch. My stomach felt weird and I don't think I could eat, and I didn't want to accidentally run into him at lunch so I just went somewhere in the school where there was no people, so that I could think. Time passed faster then usual for some reason and it was already my last period. I started getting a slight headache knowing what I had to do when class was over. The bell rang and I was waiting by the main exit. I was sitting on the bench looking around. "Akasha!" I heard Ethan yell. "Hey!" I yelled back at him. "um you kinda need to tell me quick my mom's going to pick me up any second now" I told him, hoping that this interaction won't take too long. "oh yeah of course, I won't be long." he responded. "so um I just wanted to say that...well, I like you. And I was wondering if you would like to go out with me" he confessed. I knew this was going to happen and I definitely wasn't prepared for it. "oh...well actually, I'm switching schools and we wouldn't be able to see each other much so I don't think it's a good idea..." I told him hoping that was a good enough excuse. "what? You're switching schools? That's awful. But we could always meet up other places, we could still be with each other" oh no... "um well I'm going to a pretty complicated school. Theres going to be a lot of work and I'm going to be pretty busy studying haha" I laughed awkwardly getting tired of making up excuses "well we can always call and I'm sure you'll have some free time right?" "I'M GAY! I'M GAY OKAY!? I LIKE GIRLS NOT BOYS. IM A
GOSH IS IT SO HARD TO BE GAY IN SECRET!" I ended up lashing out at him with all the built up stress. It exploded out like a shaken bottle of Pepsi being opened. People were staring and whispering to each other but I didn't really care what they thought. It's not like I was going to stay at that school anymore any ways. I sighed and glanced at the parking lot. And to add the cherry on top, I saw my mother starring at me. Furious...


No Boys AllowedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang