No Boys Allowed: My gay is showing

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//"I hope we can be friends" "y-yeah, me too"//

Before I knew it I was laying on my new bed starring at the ceiling until my eyes slowly closed shut and I drifted off to sleep.

"you're a failure Akaska, how could you do this to me" "I'm sorry mother I wasn't trying to disappoint you" "you're disgusting, how could you do this to me,"

I gasped for air as I woke up drenched in sweat. I had another dream. Every night these dreams just keep getting worse. No matter how much I tell myself that I'm not in the wrong because of how I feel, I just keep dreaming that I'm a bad daughter for something I cant even control. I got up and headed for the bathroom to wash the sweat off of my face. Today was Saturday so thankfully I don't have class but they do make us get together at 5:00 on Sundays and Saturdays for our school version of church which is extremely disappointing considering that I already have to go to Bible study every other day, in my opinion I think that's enough for God not to banish me to eternal fire for not participating in his sick cult. But fuck it apparently it's "Fun" At least that's what their website said. I told myself that leaving the room and exploring my school a bit more is better than staying cooped up my myself. My roommate is fast asleep and it doesn't seem like she'll wake up anytime soon, so I don't have her as an option of entertainment, at least not now. I went in my suitcase in search of some clothes to wear. Thankfully we get to wear normal clothes on Sundays and Saturdays. I took this shirt and pants out and put it on

 I took this shirt and pants out and put it on ⬇⬇⬇

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And I put these shoes to go with it.

Then I walked out of my room and began to walk around

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Then I walked out of my room and began to walk around. While walking I entered an area where a bunch of others students are roaming and interacting with each other. I'll have to admit that even though I hate my mother for putting here I have to give her some respect for having enough money to enroll me in such a high class school. The school campus is flooded with students and actually has really good dorm rooms, which I was received after I found out. They have 2 huge lounging area's, a few library's. And of course a cafeteria but this one seems so much better. You can order so many things, and there are so many vending machines scattered throughout the school. My mother might actually have a lot more money than I thought. I never got any too much of it, though. She always thought I would turn out snobby, which now that I think about it maybe I would have. I walk into the crowd of people and they all seem pretty nice.

Perspective/narrator switched to Lola Glenn

"I keep trying to tell you, Monica I need to finish the design by this Tuesday so I can't go"
Monica is so fucking annoying, this whore doesn't realize I got better shit to do than fuck around with her. I take a sip of my iced tea

 I take a sip of my iced tea

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And I look to my right... It's Shay... Ugh don't tell me this bitch is back in my fucking high school. I thought getting her suspended would teach that dike a damn lesson...
I see her walking in my direction. It's obvious she wants to try to start something with me again. I prepare the lines I was going to say to her in my head, but for some reason she isn't walking towards me?? Instead she walks towards this girl with curly hair (aka Akasha) . Im honestly shocked that she didn't pay any attention to me. Ima show this dike that she can't just ignore me.

Perspective switched to Shay

I woke up and realized that my new roommate left our dorm. Which sucks cause I wanted to talk to her for a bit. If I'm staying with her for the rest of the year I might as well get to know her. I leave the dorm and walk around and it didn't take too long to spot her, which shocked me. I start walking in her direction whist glancing to my right. I see Lola she clearly sees me too. She doesn't matter much though, I don't have the patience to deal with her right now so I ignore her and continue walking towards my dorm mate. "Hey! Akasha, right?" I ask making sure I remember her name " Y-yeah, I'm shocked you actually remembered, my name isn't that common" She said and then giggled. I giggled back at her and said. "The more random the name is the more likely I'll remember it" I said and smirked. "So, do you remember my name?" I asked "yeah its-"
"Shaaaay" Akasha was cut off. By none other than Lola "what is it that you want now, Lola?" I ask clearly showing annoyance. "I see you're back.. Did you have fun on your little vacation?" She asked hitting at my suspension. Ugh

Perspective switched to Akasha

I looked at the girl with long beautiful pink hair. Apparently her name was Lola. I don't know for sure but it seems like Shay and Lola are friends. Lola kept going on about a vacation Shay had. She seems to know quite a lot about her. I couldn't help but stare at Lola the entire time that she was talking. Soon enough I zoned out and couldn't hear anything. All I could do was stare and admire Lola. She's so incredibly beautiful and her voice is so pretty. I've never seen a girl like that before. I-i want to get to know her. "Okay, well it was nice chatting with you again, Shay" Lola said in the most amazing voice I've ever heard. "Yeah, okay Lola... " Shay responded. Lola turned in my direction and spoke "oh, hi sweetie, I didn't see you there, you must be new right?" She asked me "y-y-yeah I u-uh" I stuttered like an idiot. "Uh okay well anyways if you want to know anything feel free to ask me any questions I'm always here to help." She said while giving me the most brightest smile and walking away. I need to see her again...

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