No Boys Allowed: Almost there

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I arrived to our house. My mother was clearly upset. "how could you tell everyone something like that?!" she asked me. I know that right now she's never been more ashamed of me, and that's saying something. "I couldn't keep it in anymore, I felt like I needed to just say it" I confessed. I've been bottling this up for so long that I'm done keeping it a secret. "no Akasha, you're just confused, you don't know what you feel yet, you're not gay" hearing these words hit hard, my mother really thinks so low of me as a person, or she wouldn't say that to me with that horrible look on her face... "are you kidding me?" I asked noticeably hurt by her words. "boarding school!" she yelled "what?" I replied confused. "you're going to that boarding school and there going to fix you! " she said trying to sound as if she was assuring me but I knew she was only trying to assure herself "no mom this is a bad idea, I don't need to be fixed this is just how I am!" I shouted trying to convince her to not enroll me in that boarding school. But evey thing that I said didn't work. No matter what I told my mother, it didn't work. It seemed as though it actually made her want to do it more. At this point my mother couldn't even look at me. She was so disgusted by who I am that she can't even look at her own daughter. After yelling for about an hour I ran up to my room to inform my sister on what just happened. I called Hanna and told her everything. She told me that it's going to suck now but that everything will be okay. And once I turn 18 she'll come for me and I'll move in with my sister, it's not like my mother would take me back anyways. I felt a little more calm hearing these words and I knew life was going to be hell but my sister really does know how to make me feel better. I don't know what I'd do without her to he honest. I talked to her for the rest of the day and dozed off while still on the call with my older sister. I woke up because my mother barged in yelling that I won't be going to school today because she taking me out so that she can enroll me into ENLIGHTENMENT ACADEMY sounds like trash... I shrugged at her and went back to bed. At least I can sleep in. A few days passed and my mother called me down stairs to speak with her. "AKASHA!" My mother called. I quickly went down stairs to see what she had to say. "pack your things, you're leaving in two days" I gritted my teeth to pack up my belongings. And to mentally prepare for everything that's going to happen... Very soon...

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