Flesh Eating Bacteria

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Aunt Emma was at home cleaning the house for mom. She told her we weren't allowed home until two that afternoon. Mom agreed only because I had an appointment that would take a good chunk of our time.

It was cold in the hospital and no matter how many times I was there, I never got used to it. The local hospital didn't deal with amputees except for physical therapy and routine check ups. I didn't mind the car ride to the other hospital but with mom being so clingy lately, I didn't want to be trapped in a car with her that long.

The doctor had taken my bandages off and I was still shaking a bit. My legs were puffy and not what I'd expected. They looked... fat, which was weird considering I was more fit than Jacob. I'd played tennis for several years and worked hard to stay in shape. Maybe all the pizza we'd had was getting to me.

My arm was as expected, though. It was just my arm but no wrist or hand to accompany it. I was glad I didn't have to deal with my wrist, though. Wrist and ankle injuries were the hardest to recover from and I didn't want to deal with that pain.

Though I didn't get a choice on what they could save. The damage was already too severe for any kind of option. They did what they could for me and I had to deal with that.

Mom was talking with the doctor in a separate room, leaving me in the exam room by myself. Thankfully, he didn't try to get me on the bench and let me stay in the wheelchair. I hated the thought of him having to help me down because I had no feet to do that for me anymore.

The door was open and I could see the nurses walking past as they took patients to and from rooms. They never glanced in and I was grateful. I was sure they'd seen worse than me. They had to have. Burn victims were definitely worse looking. I mean, have you seen Deadpool?

A girl walked by and paused in the doorway. Her golden hair hung straight down her back and she had bright blue eyes that made the hospital fill with life. She was wearing a coral dress with white flip flops. Aside from how pretty sure was, the first thing I noticed was her missing arm. The dress didn't cover her shoulders and thus, showed the missing arm. She had nothing, no hand, no wrist, no arm at all. Just barely any shoulder.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at me. "Who are you?"

I raised my eyebrows at my question. It sounded almost accusatory, as if I wasn't supposed to be there and that pissed her off. "Um... I'm Dylan." I lifted my good arm and waved at her.

She glanced down the hall before entering the room and shutting the door. "Can I hide in here a few minutes?"

I shrugged. There was nothing I could do about it. She had two more advantages than me and it was enough to make me the submissive one in the room.

She sighed and sat down on the doctor's stool. She spun around a few times before grabbing the desk and stopping herself. "I'm Jade. My mom's driving me crazy."

I laughed. I was glad I wasn't the only one with a crazy mother.

She scooted closer to me. "What's your story?"

I nodded at my legs, or lack of, which were visible. My bad arm was tucked into the pocket of my sweatshirt, making it look like I had two hands.

She stared at my legs for several minutes before looking up at me. "What happened?"

The doctor asked that I wear shorts so it was easy for him to remove the bandages. That meant I, along with everyone I came into contact with, would see my legs. Or lack of.

"Flesh eating bacteria." I said, uttering the words for the first time. It didn't feel real. It didn't feel like it was happening to me. You heard about it, looked a pictures, watched videos, but you never thought it'd happen to you.

She nodded once then took in the pictures on the walls and the skeleton that was freaking me out in the corner. Then, all at once, her gaze focused back onto me. "Does it hurt?"

I shrugged. "Not really. I can't feel much around the scars."

"When did it happen?"

"A few weeks ago."

She move closer to me, facing me, her knees touching mine. She wasn't afraid of me, even if she did think I was gross. "Do you live far from here?"

"I'm over on Grand."

Her eyes lit up. "I live on Franklin!"

"How weird is that?" I mumbled, more amazed than anything. I lived this close to a girl this cute and didn't even know it. Was I dense or just in the wrong places at the wrong time?

She laughed. "Crazy world we live in."

I used my good arm to push myself up, which was a mistake. My sleeve slid down my bad arm and pushed it free, making it visible to her.

With her good arm, her right arm, she pushed the sleeve up. She wasn't grossed out this time like she was seeing my legs. She ran her finger over the scar from my stitches, the room falling silent.

Then she met my gaze, realizing I was watching her the whole time. Her face flushed. "Sorry. I-I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay."

She sat back and her eyes focused on her hand in her lap instead of on me like I wanted them to be.

"What happened to you? What's your story?"

"My umbilical cord cut off circulation so the doctors had to remove it when I was born." Lucky her.

A knock at the door made both of us jump. Mom stuck her head in and her eyes widened only slightly upon seeing Jade. "You ready to go, Dylan?"

"Can we have another minute? I'll meet you out in the waiting room."

She nodded and smiled at Jade. "I'm Dylan's mom."

Jade smiled back. "I'm Jade."

"Nice to meet you."

"You, too."

I watched mom leave and sighed as the door shut. "Sorry about that."

"Is that your mom?"

I nodded but didn't say anything.

She stood up and pushed the stool back where it was supposed to be. "What's your cell number?"

I told her but didn't mention the fact that my phone was sitting in my drawer in my bedroom. She didn't need to know that.

Instead of saying goodbye and leaving me alone, she walked around me and started pushing me.

"I can get out there on my own."

"I'm sure you can. But these stupid nurses never let me play with the wheelchairs. I just want to have a little fun, okay?"

"If you push me down the stairs, I'll come back as a ghost and haunt you."

"Then you better know how to stop this thing."

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