Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Although she hadn't been able to sleep, the next morning, Rogue set about helping to fix cerebro. Thankfully with Forge and Hank there to help, the repairs seemed to be going pretty well. How she had ever hoped to fix this with just her and Remy, she would never know. She was probably hoping that it would be fine or just need a fuse changing or something. Well, if the X-Men hadn't been here, she would have been in for a severe disappointment.

Thankfully the danger room was also damaged, although that didn't stop Logan from putting the kids through their paces in more traditional ways. Rogue decided to make herself useful in cerbero in the hopes that she might skip Logan's lessons today, since she had a feeling that he would be taking his anger out on her.

Needless to say, when she levitated to the near the top of cerebro to reattach a panel, she drew a few shocked gasps but Rogue refused to say more than, "They did this to me, now leave it alone."

Obviously her new flying ability made her an excellent candidate for working on cerebro, and she was indeed spared lessons with Logan.

She tried not to think about Remy or when he might be back but as the hours ticked by, she couldn't quite shake the feeling that he wouldn't return. Lunchtime came and went with no sign of him. Had she been wrong about him?

She hated that she thought about him so much. She felt as if she was becoming reliant on him, and that wasn't a feeling that someone who called herself Rogue enjoyed. It wasn't like they were married anyway, so chances were that one day he would leave her. And even if they were married, didn't something like two thirds of marriages end in divorce? Marriage was just a bit of paper anyway, it didn't actually mean anything.

And why the hell was she thinking about marriage? Remy had only rescued her a little over a month ago, she had no business thinking about life long commitment.

Where was he? What was taking him so long!

She tried her best to chat to her friends over lunch but they just kept telling her how sorry they were that they hadn't found her, and how much they wanted to make it up to her. If she heard once how hard they tried to look for her, she must have heard it a hundred times that day, but she tried not to let it get on her nerves and kept assuring them that it was okay, but it wasn't.

They were supposed to be heroes after all, so why didn't they find her? Why could one man, a thief no less, do what they couldn't? She bit her tongue though, which felt much easier than it might have been in the past. She tried not to think about it, but the only time she acted mad lately was when she or Remy felt threatened. That wasn't like her. The old her would have simply told them to stop apologising, accompanying it with a glare or threat, and they would have feared her temper enough to stop. She didn't want to think too deeply about where her fire had gone, because what if it never came back?

Instead she tried asking them questions, trying to catch up with what she had missed in her 4 months away, but she was distracted by Remy's absence and to be honest, this was just all a little too 'normal' for her. She remembered sitting with them, sharing hundreds of meals but now, she felt like a different person.

She supposed that nothing would ever be quite the same again, because she wasn't quite the same any more.

Oddly enough, she felt most comfortable the few times she was left alone with Scott. Her crush was long over but unlike the others, he didn't ask her questions, he didn't demand her attention, he just let her be, which she was thankful for. In return, she didn't try to make him talk about Jean either.

He wasn't the same boy that she had left either. For the past few weeks, he had believed that the love of his life was a killer. Even although he now knew the truth, and even if they somehow got Jean back, he would forever be scarred by this incident, as would Jean, she suspected.

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