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All the boys closed their mouths and we began to play baseball. I was up to bat first. I hit the ball and ran. First, second, and third base all behind me. "Go Allie!" I could hear the cheers. I ran to home plate as fast as I could and left a footprint. All the boys stood in shock at what they just witnessed. "Its not that surprising" I said in a duh tone. We kept playing baseball until it got dark.
Dad and I walked inside the house and Mom smiled at us. "Where did you guys go?" She asked, turning to face us. "The Sandlot" I responded and she smiled more. I went upstairs and took a quick shower, throwing on my baseball jersey which read 'Palledorous' on it with a 6, and a pair of jeans. I walked back downstairs and my Mom laughed. "You look like your dad but a girl" she said. I was confused, but she pulled out a picture of Dad when he was a kid. He had the same baseball jersey on and a pair of jeans. I laughed, "Dad, I look like you!" Dad turned and saw the picture, laughing when be saw it. "Yes you do" he responded. We all laughed about that for a couple minutes, until someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it" Mom said and she went to get the door. "Allie, some boys are here for you" she said, walking back over to me. I walked over to the door, and saw 4 guys at the door, arguing. The boys stopped when they noticed me. "Im D.P, this is Tim-" D.P started but I cut him off. "Timber, Wings and Two-Ton. I remember" I stated. "Im Allie" All the boys nodded. "We were wondering if you would want to play on our team, 'cause your real good" Two-Ton said, and all the boys waited for my answer

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