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Fourteen-year-old Hanbyeol skipped into the entrance room, Mingi following right behind her with their new friend, Uyeong. She looked over at the backpack rack, seeing Boseon's backpack wasn't there yet. "That's odd, Boseon gets off before us."

"Maybe he just went out with friends, Riles," Mingi suggests, shrugging. "Didn't you say he's been going out more and more recently?"

Hanbyeol nods, looking back at her two friends. "Yeah, he has," she replies, sighing. "He's been acting off lately, especially when he's going out. And he's been really stressed and tired when he gets home."

"He's in high school now, it's probably because of that," Uyeong states, finally saying something since the three had gotten to Hanbyeol's house. "I heard it's really stressful."

"That's true, yeah," Hanbyeol responds, nodding. "Let's just go say hi to my mom, she said she'd be in the kitchen making us food when I get home," she continues, having her friends follow her through the living room, after she put her backpack up.

Boyeong looks up from the fridge, smiling at the three kids. "Hey Riles, Mingi, new friend of Riles and Mingi," she tells them, watching the two she knew sit down.

"Hello, Mrs. Chwe," Uyeong responds, bowing his head slightly at the woman. Her shocked face makes both Hanbyeol and Mingi laugh, "I'm Uyeong, nice to meet you."

"Sweetheart, you don't have to call me Mrs. Chwe," Boyeong replies, smiling at the boy. "But, it's a pleasure to meet you too."

"Uyeong's parents listened to Seventeen when they were younger," Hanbyeol starts, letting out a small laugh. "But his mom loved your modelling. Definitely got an earful when they learned Uyeong here was friends with me."

"Hey, it's not my fault my parents met at a Seventeen concert," Uyeong mumbles, his two friends laughing even if they've heard the story already. "They were big fans, and it's not my fault."

"It's perfectly fine that your parents like Seventeen," Boyeong states, placing a plate of snacks and drinks on the counter. "I mean, I still have the hots for EXO."

"Oh my God, Mom, no," Hanbyeol starts, letting her head fall to the counter. "I rather not hear you talk about them like that, when they're like uncles to me."

Boyeong smiles at the girl, shaking her head. "Anyway, Boseon should be home earlier tonight. That's what he told me, anyway," she continues, knowing Hanbyeol would be questioning where the older went. "He said he went to the library to study with the boys, but we both know that's a lie."

"I think he's going to the dance studio," Hanbyeol suggests, taking a bite of one of the snacks. "He's been coming back sweaty sometimes."

Boyeong nods, "But, he has talent, so at least he's doing something he likes," she replies. "And he's getting his homework done when he gets home, so we can't get mad at him."

"You know, my brother was always going to the dance studio with a friend," Mingi starts, taking a few snacks into his hands. "And after a few months of that, he came home telling us that he had auditioned for one of the companies around Seoul."

Boyeong stared at Mingi, letting out a sigh. "He's always been talking about that," Hanbyeol starts, not even noticing her mother's change in expression. "I don't think he'll do it. He hasn't sang or rapped a day in his life."

Meanwhile, blocks away from the Chwe household, Boseon and his friends sat down in the floor of the studio. The four had been practicing a choreography over half an hour nonstop no, and they are everything related to tired. For the past few weeks, they had been working on this choreography to perform at their high school's annual performance.

Yujin scooted over to Boseon, nudging the boy. "Hey, main singer, why don't you sing us a little tune from your song you were working on?" He questions, smiling at his friend.

Boseon's face brightens up with a light pink, shaking his head quickly. "I don't know what you're talking about," he mumbles, scrunching his nose. "I'm not working on a song."

"Come on, Boseon," Minhwan continues for Yujin, smiling at the boy. "We've seen one of your songs before, you don't have to be embarrassed. If you don't sing this one, we'll make you sing one of your dad's songs."

Boseon sighed, shaking his head. "You two are going to be the death of me," he tells them, pointing at them. "Chanhyeok, you're on my good list," he continues, earning a smile from said boy.

"Come on, Boseon," Yujin ushers, shaking the boy, being careful not to spill either of their water bottles. "Sing it, the lyrics looked really nice when I saw it."

Boseon sighed, taking in a deep breath before he started. He knew how much his three friends loved his voice, he knew he had one and loved singing in front of them; but singing his own songs was different. In an instant, the three others heard the boy's honey voice; singing unknown lines to them, lines that sound as if they were a popular song.

"I'm dying to know," Boseon sings out, Minhwan mocking a fan girl when his friend hit that higher note. "I'm afraid to find out."

The brunette stopped singing, the studio becoming silent only for a few seconds; before his three friends began clapping for him. "Boseon, you must've gotten that songwriting from your dad," he hears Yujin comment, before an arm wraps around his shoulder.

"Looks like we got a Mariah Carey on our hands," Chanhyeok tells him, going in for a fist bump with his friend. "We'll be the group of the century!"

The rest of the rolled their eyes, laughing at the boy's comment. "You'll definitely become famous one day, Boseon," Minhwan states, nodding. "If it's not for your singing, which would be absolutely crazy, then for your dancing."

"Please, I won't accept my fame unless I'm with you guys," Boseon replies, smiling at his friends. "Boy's Hour is going to be group, whether our employers like it or not."

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