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yumi couldn't help to pay attention to how dainty bambi's hands were. yumi was letting bambi paint her nails. the way bambi's soft hand held yumi's as she painted yumi's nails made yumi feel giddy.

"you have really pretty hands," bambi complemented. here's were almost always painted prettily, at the time they happened to be yellow, yumi's favorite color. "why don't you paint them more?"

"i got nail polish all over my fingers so i stopped. i only did a few times but my mom used to paint them when i was younger."

"aw, you were probably just as cute when you were little," bambi said casually. she placed yumi's hand on her own knee, telling her not to move it as he picked up her other hand.

"i looked the exact same, just chubbier. i was really tall as a kid. well, i'm really tall now."

"i like how tall you are. your legs are so long and pretty."

"now you're complementing me too much." yumi had never met a girl so pretty and so sweet. well, yumi didn't think anyone prettier than or even as pretty as bambi existed. but bambi was also extremely nice, constantly complementing anyone and everyone but she seemed to compliment yumi just a bit more.

"not my fault you're so pretty." yumi blushed and looked away so she didn't get embarrassed by looking at bambi.

in all my older stories, my chapters had almost always 1000 words and here we have barely 200 :)) i suck

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