°•♥Chapter One♥•°

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Age 7

Marinette giggled as she slid down the slide, running away from her friend, Alix. She was playing freeze tag at the park with all her friends, their parents had set up a playdate. Alix was it and already caught everyone, except Marinette. Marinette dove for cover as she hid behind a tree just big enough to hide her.

  Alix jumped out of nowhere and tagged Marinette. They both laughed and fell on the ground, tired from all the running. "I win! I win!" Alix yelled in confidence. Everyone started crowding Marinette and Alix, all laughing, "Aw dang, I thought for sure I was fast enough!" Marinette cried and stuck her tongue out at Alix playfully. Alix did the same.

  "Lunch time!" Sabine, Marinettes mom yelled out holding trays of sweets and meats. Once the group of children smelled the delicious aroma of Macarons and Mac n Cheese they zoomed towards the picnic tables and sat down. Alyas mom served the plates and set them down by each of the children.

  They all ate happily, some fighting over the last macaron or croissant, but Marinettes eyes travelled towards a place with cameras and a certain blonde haired boy. She stopped eating as she watched the blonde boy stand in poses and get his picture taken. Her mom noticed and walked over to her, crouching down to meet Marinettes head level "What's wrong sweety?" She asked kindly. Marinette shook her head and took a bite of a cookie "Nothing..I was just looking at that boy over there..why does he have a cane? Isn't that for old people or something?" She asked confused. Sabine shifted her gaze to the blonde and examined carefully.  "Oh no sweety, you've got it wrong. I think that boy is blind, without his cane he won't be able to know if there's something in front of him." Sabine answered her daughter, cleaning up a juice mess Kim made.

  Marinette looked once more at the blonde with a confused face "So does that mean he can't see?" Marinette asked looking up at her mom "Yes, it looks like he's doing some sort of photoshoot" Sabine whispered the last part to herself as she examined the blonde boys situation more carefully, there was what she assumed to be his parents, Gabriel and Emilie. She knew who they were because first they were the best fashion designers in Paris and second because they ordered sweets from her bakery everytime they had a party full of other business men and women. 

  "Mama can we go over there and offer them food?" Marinette looked up at Sabine, tugging the fabric of her mom's dress a bit. Sabine looked down at her daughter "I don't see why we can't" she said smiling "yaay!" Marinette took hold of a clean plate and started filling it with all the things on the table, she had 2 macarons and a croissant left on her plate, she took them and put it on the plate she was making for a certain blonde. "Woah Marinette slow down, who's plate is that going to be?" Sabine asked, already knowing the answer as she made 2 plates of food for the adults at the photoshoot.

  "I'm ready Mama! Can we go now?" Marinette asked a little over excited. Sabine lightly laughed and started walking towards the photoshoot, she hoped they were on a break because the camera man stopped taking photos. "Hello! Emilie, Gabriel" Sabine nodded her head to them as they got closer.  "Hello Sabine, what brings you here? You looked busy over there with all those kids!" Emilie laughed a bit smiling. Gabriel smiled at Sabine too.

  "We've brought you guys lunch" Sabine said holding the plates up "Oh my those look heavy let me take some off your hands" Emilie said grabbing two plates from Sabine, she gave one to Gabriel and one to her son, but Sabine stopped her. "Oh no I'm sorry Emilie, those plates are for you and Gabriel, Marinette has brought your son's food" Sabine smiled. Emilie took the plate back from Adrien and looked for Marinettes blue hair, shes seen Marinette at the bakery a few times to remember her sweet face. She found the blue hair behind Sabine "oh come on Marinette! Don't be shy! Adrien is very kind and loves meeting new people, I also see you've brought some of his favorite snacks, mmm Macrons and Croissants!" Emilie said, making Adriens face light up a bit. 

  Sabine nodded to her daughter to go out there and give him his plate of food, Marinette did so and stood across from Adrien holding his plate out to him "Hello, I'm Marinette, what's your name?" She asked and watched as he started reaching out towards the wrong direction for the plate. Marinette softly took hold of his hands and put them on the plate, also putting a fork in his hand too.

  Emilie almost cried at the sight and Gabriel almost instantly washed away the tear that streamed down his face. They had never seen any child want to interact with their son, because he was blind. The other children said they didn't want a friend who couldn't play tag, play hide n seek, play any fun games. Marinette was the first child Adriens age to show kindness to their son. 

  "Why don't the both of you go get acquainted while the adults talk, ok? Marinette will you take care of Adrien?" Marinette nodded furiously with a determined look on her face, one Sabine knows all too well. Gabriel crouched down by Marinette and gave her a hug "Thank you" Emilie did the same.  Marinette was confused and shrugged it off as the adults walked away.

  "My name is Adrien" He said taking another bite of the croissant on his plate "Oh! Hi Adrien!" Marinette smiled, though he couldn't see it, he knew she was smiling sweetly. "Why aren't you with your other friends?" Adrien asked hesitantly. "Oh, because I noticed you were all alone with adults and it's no fun if you have no friends" Marinette said, leading the way towards the fountain and helping him set his plate down so he could sit at the edge of it too. "Thanks" Adrien said as he sat on the edge and began once more at his meal "This is really good! I especially love the Macarons!" Adrien smiled cutely taking the last bite out of his macaron, saving the flavor a bit. Marinette giggled "I made the macarons with my dad, I'm glad you like them" She watched as he ate the rest of his food.

  Marinette twiddled with her thumbs nervously "So, Uhm..is it weird not to see the world?" She asked softly "Adrien shifted his body towards her voice and spoke "well, I've lived with it my whole life so, I'm pretty used to it" he said putting the plate down besides him.

  "Oh, want to play a game?" Marinette asked, having a game in mind. "What kind of game? I'm not very good at physical games.." Adrien said sadly, making Marinette sad. "But I've got a game that's both fun for you and me!" Marinette gleamed "I don't know the name but it's when I or you imitate an animal sound and the other has to try and figure out what kind of animal it is" Marinette said excitedly. Adrien was smiling from ear to ear, he couldn't believe someone actually wanted to play with him! And a game that he can play too! Adrien jumped a bit in place excitedly.  "That's sounds fun! Who's first?" Adrien asked impatiently, wanting to play already. Marinette giggled "I'll go first, which means you have to figure out what animal I am" she said and started making chirping sounds "Oh! Oh! I know! It's a baby chick!" Adrien said, his hands clapping overly excited.

  They played the game until it was time to leave the park. Marinette and Adrien hugged each other good bye and both went with their parents to their homes.

At Adriens house

"Mama!" Adrien said as they walked up the stairs to Adriens room "Yes sunshine?" Emilie asked looking down at her son "me and Marinette played a really fun game today!" He practically gleamed. "Oh? What kind of game?" Emilie asked looking at Gabriel then back at Adrien. "It was where we had to make animal sounds and the other person had to try and guess what animal we were!" Adrien said again, Emilie smiled and kissed Adriens forhead, putting him in bed "that sounds fun, maybe we can set up another play date with you guys tomorrow" Gabriel said kissing Adriens forhead too. They both said goodnight and Adrien soon fell asleep, eager for tomorrow to come.

I Can't See You •Blind Adrien AU•Where stories live. Discover now