Chapter 1: Killing team RWBY

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Author: Hello there, welcome. This is a short story where you are Salem's spawn, or son, whatever you like; the prince of Grimm and future god of a new world. And in this chapter, as the title says, you are going to kill the girls that have been standing in Salem's way for a long time. And now that I think about it, it's a very straight to the point title, and I'm sure it will make you go away. If you stay here to read it, then you must have some pleasure in heroes dying, I only know that I felt a sadistic pleasure while writting this chapter (as well as the whole story). Without further ado, let's get to the story.

    Salem sighed disappointed as she watched team RWBY, reunited, won the fight against her minions. Were they that weak to lose to just four girls?

    "You seem pretty upset" a voice said from the shadows.

    "I'm afraid so, Y/n" she said as a figure emerged from the shadows, showing a boy with black hair, pale skin, pitch black eyes and blood that seemed to come out of them. He wore a black coat with some white details on it, dark blue pants and white boots.

    "Should I do something? I mean, can I take the girls?"

    "I still don't understand why you want them"

    "They fascinate me; maybe I can make them mine"

    "... well then, you may go. Don't be so harsh on them, I know you go overboard sometimes"

    "Don't worry, I'm overpower thanks to you. And unlike before, I have healing powers" he said while making a portal.

    Team RWBY smiled as they saw Salem's minions on the ground, panting and feeling weak since they had their auras depleted.

    "Now that was too easy" Yang smiled.

    "Maybe it's because we're way too strong for them" said Weiss.

    "Well, no wonder" Blake muttered.

    "Now, c'mon guys" said Ruby. "Let's go" As they are about to turn away and walk to join their friends, they see something a few miles away coming towards them in the ground. It was a black sand like thing, like it was alive, like it had a mind of its own. The sand raised up and assumed the shape of a biped being, soon, it faded away, the sand disappearing instead revealing a boy. He was, to say the least, a handsome, even with those pitch black eyes of his. The courage that team RWBY felt before faded like dust, horrified by that figure who just smiled.

     "Hello, girls" he said bowing.

     "Who the hell are you?" said Yang.

     "Now that's not very nice, Yang" the boy pouted. "I'm here because I think that for being such naughty girls lately, you deserve some punishment" he cracked his knuckles.

    "Well" Ruby took Crescent Rose. "We're not going down that easily"

    "Aw, Ruby, always the one to take the front" he smiled. "That's what I admire the most about you. But enough playing" sand formed in his hand and it took the shape of a sword. "Show me the your moves before I end you up"

    "With pleasure" she said with a cocky smile converting her weapon into the gun mode to propel herself at him and right after convert it into its scythe mode to attack him, only for him to block it with his sword. She thinks quickly and uses her speed in an attempt to slash quickly and strongly at him, only for him to dodge and block all of the attacks and to, effortlessly, hit her in the face with the sword, depleting her aura. Ruby was sent against a tree, gasping for air, trying to get up; her teammates were too shocked to even move, surprised seeing how a single guy depleted her aura effortlessly.

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