Chapter 3: Hunting Season

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    "How could we loose them?"

    "You saw what happened, Jaune" said Ren, Jaune's teammate. "They went to fight those Salem's minions"

    "Is it over already?" Ren's partner, Nora Valkyrie, looked around at the dead bodies of Grimm. "Awwwww.... I wanted to break more legs..."

    "Keep moving, children" said Ozpin, inside young Oscar's body, before giving the boy full control.

    "I think they went.... That way" said Oscar looking at Qrow after pointing the direction.

    "Alright then." He said before they started walking.

    "Wait!" said the old lady Maria.

    "What's wrong?"

    "Someone's coming this way! And I can feel it, their power.... It's amazing..."

    Just as she finished the sentence Ren was sent flying against a couple of trees by a punch that came out of nowhere, shocking everybody. As they looked for the source of the punch, they found a tall young man, with that pure white face with red veins, that mouth with white sharp teeth and those pitch black eyes.

    "Hello there" the boy said with a creepy smile.

    "Who are you, freak?!" said Nora.

    "Tsk, tsk. I have hoped you would be at least polite, Nora Valkyrie."

    "How do..."

    "Doesn't matter now. I have important things to do, so I better make this quick. I have your friends, you know, Team RWBY"

    "What did you do to them?" asked Jaune.

    "Oh, just killed them. And later I brought them back."

    "H-how can you-" Qrow was about to ask before the boy's sword came towards him, luckily the drunk bastard blocked it with his own sword.

    "Oooooh, a good one" the boy smiled. "Too bad I'm just holding back"

    The boy's next action was to make snakes made of black sand and they wrap themselves around Qrow's arms and legs, leaving him defenseless, and from the sand came a bunch of cockroaches that started to eat his flesh, the man started to scream as the others watched in horror while the boy dove his fist through Qrow's chest taking out his heart that was still beating and crushed it.

    Y/n turned to the group with a sadistic smile in his face as Nora went to attack him, but he broke her nose with a simple punch as, being fast as he is, he torn her legs apart from her body. The girl's screams filled the forest as her life faded away. "What's wrong, Nora?" Y/n asked. "I thought you liked breaking legs, so why not yours?"

    He turned to Jaune who rushed him, the black haired boy sighed as he easily dodged the blonde's sloppy attack and slapped him in the back of his head sending far away, Y/n teleported right before Jaune could hit the ground and grabbed him by the hair and pushed him against a tree, letting him fall to his knees. The boy grabbed him, this time no aura to protect the blonde, again and punched him until his face was all red with his blood. "That's a very deserving death" Y/n said. "You can't call yourself a huntsman if you couldn't even hold your weapon in the first day and I don't care if you trained, you're still a weakling, and people like you don't have place in this world" he created a knife out of black sand and took the blonde's eyes as he screamed in pain but was quickly cut off as Y/n cut off his head.

    He turned to see the Oscar boy charging at him with a cane, the son of Salem sighed as he hit the boy's gut then taking the cane hitting him in the head like it was a ball sending him flying away; and dodged Ren's attacks. "Tch... you suck at fighting" the prince said.

    "But at least I have something to fight for" Ren said as he dashed firing at Y/n, who dodged like it was nothing.

    "Which is nothing" Y/n swept Ren off his feet, making him fall on his back, but he got up again only to receive a massive kick in between his legs, gasping for air. "No matter how badass you are, a kick in the balls still crush a man's pride." Y/n made a pushing move with his hand, which resulted in a wave coming towards Ren exploding his head. "Wow, feels like initiation again"

    He turned to Maria, who tried to attack only to have him dodge it and snap his fingers, which resulted in the old lady blowing up to pieces. He clicked his tongue. "Child's play"

    "We're not done yet!" he turned to see Oscar standing still.

    "Oh, you're still alive? Oh, well, time to fix that mistake"

    "Now, I'll end you and Salem's plans right now" Ozpin said through the boy's body.

    "Talk about a sick bastard. You go around using other people's bodies so you can still do your evil deeds? And now you're using a poor little boy who did nothing to deserve such thing. That's not very nice, and people who does something like that deserves punishment, and yours is by death. If the boy dies along with you, at least I'm doing him a favor"

    They fought, but Y/n was holding back just to feel the emotion of a final battle, after long minutes of fighting, he decided to just finish this as he created a sword out of black sand and made a big cut in Oscar's stomach and took out his bowels as the boy screamed and fell to the ground, now dead. Just as he cleaned his sword, Y/n noticed a blue orb, which he knew it was Ozpin. Before the headmaster in orb form could escape, Y/n stopped him by grabbing him and crushing him.

    "Well, at last he's gone. But that doesn't stop me there, I still have that team CFVY guys to kill and then the Branwen girl. Maybe that Taurus guy too. Looks like I'll have to prolong my hunting season"

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