Chapter 5: Ruby's "memories": Red like roses? I prefer blood

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    We see a little Ruby walking around the forest with her older sister Yang, both were having the time of their lives, collecting roses, playing tag and finally hide-and-seek. However, Yang had upper hand, as she was great at hiding at a point where Ruby started to feel scared. "Y-Yang?" said the little girl. "Yang, I don't like this game anymore"

    "Well well" a voice said as Ruby turned around to see a man in a white mask. The figure reminded Ruby of those bad guys in the books Yang read to her. "What a sweet little girl. What are you doing around here?"

    "I-I-I-I-I... I was playing hide-and-seek with my sister, but I can't find her..." said little Ruby stepping backwards away from the man.

    "Aw, that's sad. But..." it was like if behind that mask he had a huge grin. "I suppose no one can be in my way" he grabbed the girl by the collar, as she started to scream, in the next second an angry Yang appeared kicking the man in the leg, but it was more like a cat pawing him. "So that's your sister" he kicked Yang in the chin sending her flying away. "Pathetic. But now, little red riding hood, time for the big bad wolf to play"

    That was what he said before being knocked in the head so hard he had to let go of Ruby to rub his head. As he turned around to see who did it only to be hit so hard that the two scared girls heard a loud 'crack!' sound. Finally, the could see their savior, a boy about Yang's age, he was wearing dark clothes, including a black cape, his skin was pale, pitch black eyes and black hair. When he opened his mouth to speak, they could see normal human teeth, however, as an angry expression formed in his face, his teeth began to become sharp.

    "It's not very nice to be picking on girls, especially such beautiful girls like themselves" the sisters' faces turned red as they looked away. He turned to them. "Are you okay?"

    "Ye-yes..." said Yang speaking for both her and her sister as Ruby nodded.

    "Go away, I'll take care of him" the little girls ran away.

    "Argh! You little bastard!" the man turned to the boy taking off his mask. He smiled as he took out a knife. "You sure can pack a punch, but it's time to get serious."

    The boy punched the man in the face again as the latter fell to the ground, the boy forcefully opened the man's mouth taking his tongue in his fingers and cut off the tongue by using the knife the man had. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!" the man shouted. He was in so much pain he couldn't think of moving.

    "C'mon, I thought you liked fun, we are just getting started." The boy had a creepy smile in his face as he made a big cut in the man's stomach, taking out his bowels to make a precious bow in the man's head. "Aren't you beautiful now?" he whistled as a couple of beowulves and ursas appeared. "Supper time, babies!" he said as an energetic child about to give food to his puppies.

    The Grimm licked their lips as they walked towards the man, the boy walked away while hearing the man's muffled screams as he was being the next meal of the Grimm. As he walked, he heard a muffled cry, he turned around to see two short figures hiding behind a bush.

    "I know you're there." The figures, the two girls, got out of their hiding spot, both with tears in their eyes. "Are you okay?"

    "Ye-ye-yes" said the blonde haired one.

    "Th-thank you" said the little black haired one.

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