Fourth chapter

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Suho smiled at his daughter who'd just learned to open her eyes. She had brown hair just like her father, and his eyes. He was happy to have his baby be born and survived the 9 months of abuse her father put upon her mother.

"Your so beautiful..... Princess."

Taeyoung looked up at her mother and scrunched her face up beginning to crying for attention. Suho knew his little princess was hungry, but he was so sore after giving birth he couldn't move. He needed help from Baekhyun. Just as he was about to call for him, an angry Chen came in the room.

"You bitch! How dare you give birth to a girl! I said I wanted a son!" Chen grabbed Suho and threw him on the floor with the baby in his arms. He didn't care if he was hurting his daughter, his mate needed to learn his place and position. Taeyoung continued to wail and it was getting on the Alpha's last nerve, he wanted it to shut up.

"BAEKHYUN GET IN HERE AND TAKE THIS FUCKING BABY!" He called to the teen. Baekhyun rushed in the room and took the baby from Suho quickly, not wanting her to get hurt.

"Please feed her, she's hungry..." Suho groaned out in pain coming from his butt. Baekhyun nodded and left the room with Taeyoung and went to the kitchen to make her a bottle. "Please stop crying... Your Mama wouldn't like you crying." He cooed the newborn, but of course nothing worked until.... Chanyeol held her.

"Oh my gosh..." Baekhyun breathed out.

"What?" Chanyeol asked rocking the baby.

"You made her stop crying."

"Yes. Yes I did, is that bad?"

Baekhyun smiled and put a scoop of baby formula in the baby bottle. "No it's great."

"Absolutely great."


Chen came in Suho for the third time and pulled out harshly. He looked at the scared boy under him with anger in his red eyes. "You better give me a son this time, got it!" Suho nodded and waited till the Alpha left to cover his body with the sheets. He didn't get to be with his baby girl for a long time because of his mate. He wanted to go far away, but where would he go? He didn't know anyone besides Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

He was trapped.

He was stuck with the alpha for life.

He cried and cried as his body hurt all over. It sucked to be him. "Hey are you alright?"

Suho looked up and saw the most gorgeous dimpled boy ever. "I'm Yixing, why is such a beauty like you crying?"

The boy blushed a dark pink and wiped his tears away.

He was going to like this Yixing kid.

A /N: Hate it, love it I don't care. Update here you go. Not my best yada-yada-yada, I'll be better

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