[Chapter 12]

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As the sun rises, the woods seem dark still. The beautiful vibe from the pond is completely gone. The trees look dilapidated.
DH: "Normally the trees would cry very loudly if they're in such a bad state. But these seem like they're just... dead. It's completely silent." No one says anything.
The silence is literally painful. Not a bird to hear. Nothing.
CH: "LOOK OUT!" Suddenly something jumps towards Jun and he ducks. Chan quickly shines a beam on it and the creature screeches. "Quickly!" Sehyoon shoots water and makes the monster fly against a tree. It runs away in fear. Everyone takes a deep breath.
BK: "That was close."
"Even so, you guys did well. There will be a lot more ahead of us."
DH: "Well.. I'm not looking forward to that," he says with a sarcastic tone.
"I'm so sorry guys. Sorry to have to put you through this. How I wish the way back home would be an easy way."
CH: "It's okay Y/n, it's not your fault." Chan pats you on the shoulder.
You start walking again, when suddenly someone from behind you holds your hand. You turn to see Sehyoon smiling reassuringly at you. He doesn't let go for a while. Even though it's a small gesture, it makes you feel safe,, at ease.

You encounter a few more monsters. Just a few scrapes that Byeongkwan can heal fairly quickly.
Although the next day, the amount of monsters increases a lot. The monsters often come in groups and the members struggle at first. The more they encounter, the better they get. Not only in using their powers, but also in teamwork. Even though you'd rather not have any monsters, somewhere it makes you happy to see the group get stronger.

The nights slowly get longer, but that's actually good. The boys can sleep a little longer after such draining days.

It doesn't take long until you end up in an open field. The pathway ends. Now it's only grass... and grass. Dried grass, dark yellow. There's nothing but grass for miles. Nothing in sight, nothing to use as direction point.
DH: "So? What now?"
BK: "Is this where another one of those riddles comes in?"
CH: "Oh, right! Y/n," he looks at you and you know immediately what he's talking about. All the rest, except for Sehyoon, look questioning at the both of you.
"Chan might've solved a riddle that could help."
CH: "We have to follow the stars. Since the riddle says to follow what's most similar to an old name. Star village."
DH: "So we have to wait until it gets dark?"
CH: "I guess."
J: "Wait, but what exactly do we follow? I suppose the stars don't point very specifically to Star village."
"You're right about that," you think deeply for a moment.
SY: "Follow what's most similar," Sehyoon whispers to himself. But loud enough for you to hear. Suddenly you think of something.
"Of course! Follow what's most similar. It's not just about the stars, but about the star."
BK: "The star?"
"There is one star called 5tar. It's the one most visible, but only at certain places in this world. I was mostly visible in Star village, that's why it's called 5tar. If we can find that star, we will find Star village. Or Kul Tamar."
DH: "Okay, but that means that we still have to wait until it's dark."
"Well yes. But it won't be much of a problem. Since the nights keep getting longer. We can travel during the night and sleep during the day. And we won't encounter any monsters in an open field like this, so that's good."
BK: "Oof, that's a relief."

You would say that walking in an endless field of nothing but grass would be very tedious. But the night sky with the stars actually makes it quite bearable. You try to keep each other busy. Mostly the two youngest are able to keep the mood up. Atleast one good thing comes from this journey: your bond with the boys. Little by little, day by day, you grow closer.

Another morning where the sun starts to come up and Jun makes a fire. Everyone goes to sleep. Sehyoon and you lie face to face, staring into each others' eyes. Both lost,, and in love. Adoration. Sehyoon caresses your cheek. A sudden peck on the cheek. Then on the nose, then on the other cheek, then on the forehead.
Feather kisses.
You giggle lightly. He then stops to look you in the eyes again. A short kiss. Even though it lasts for a only a few seconds, it's as sweet as ever.
"Nighty night," he whispers very softly and deeply.

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