Chapter XVI

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He secures the hand cuffs around my wrists once again as I sit on the bed. Anger boils inside of me, but I remain silent until he pulls out what looks to be a blindfold from his pocket.

"What are you doing?" I ask as my eyes follow it.

"You already know, so why ask?"

"But why?"

"Because I said so," he returns curtly before attempting to cover my eyes with it. 

I pull away from him. He sighs and closes his eyes, as if he is annoyed.

"Ori, I don't care to use force. I'd prefer it, actually. But I am trying to be nice. I am trying to make this smooth for you. So, be good for me. Comply. Okay?" 

His words only fuel my reluctance, my anger at what's happening - at the fact that he's taken me. He is why I'm not at home in my bed right now playing games. He is taking my life, and for what?

He moves the blindfold to my face again. 

I don't even think about it as I back away once more and bring my small feet up to kick his stomach with all the force I have. I want him to fall down, to hit his head so I can take his keys. 

To my despair, it did not work that way.

He, at the very least, is momentarily taken aback, but his body is only pushed back inches from his previous stance. 

In a split second, both of our expressions change: his, from surprise, to one of pure outrage - and mine, from anger to fear. It's the most infuriated that I have seen him look since I've met him.

He doesn't say a word as he lunges towards me. I attempt to twist my body away from him and back further into the bed, but I feel two large hands wrap around my waist and drag me down the mattress until I can see his animalistic face above me.

 I only see it for half a second before he flips my entire body over, to where I'm lying on my stomach. My legs are hanging over the bed, the tips of my toes grazing the floor. I feel his thumbs slide down either side of the waist band of my leggings, and I freeze in shock when he pulls them down to the the top of my knees.

"What did I tell you?!" His voice booms and I feel a hard smack land on the right side of my butt. I scream at the unfamiliar contact, completely in shock.

I have never been spanked. In my life. 

"Answer me," he says through gritted teeth as his hand lands again on the same spot.

I let out a wail but reply quickly.

"To be good! You said to be good!" I yell to him desperately.

Suddenly, his body is bent over mine, swallowing it whole. His clothed legs are against my bare bottom and I can feel my cheeks heat up.

"That's right," He maniacally whispers in my ear. "I gave you a choice, Ori, and you chose wrong."

His body disappears and I jump when yet another slap lands on my ass. It's in the same spot once again. This time it really hurts.

"Please stop!" I whine loudly.

I can hear him growl behind me.

"Tell me you're going to be good. Tell me!" 

Another slap. 

"Yes, daddy! I'm going to be good! I'm going to be good, I promise!"

The spanking ceases. The room is eerily quiet. 

My stomach falls. I feel physically sick. It feels as if my whole body turns a dark shade of red, and I have never been so ashamed or embarrassed in my entire life.

Why the fuck would I say that.

Why. Why. Why. Why.

Ever remains silent as he slides my leggings back up around my waist. He then gently pulls me to my feet. I thank the universe silently that I am still facing away from him. I see fabric in front of my eyes - then darkness as he ties it at the back of my head.

I've changed my mind about the blindfold. I prefer it now. Need it. Cannot live without it. Hello, darkness, my old friend.

My body is instructed to turn, and it listens. 

He picks me up, and I think he's going to throw me over his shoulder again. To my surprise, he situates me on one side of his body, supporting me with just one arm. My legs have no choice but to wrap around his waist. The warmth of his hand is made known on my handcuffed wrists, and he puts them over his head - so that my arms are wrapped loosely around his neck. He doesn't say another word as he walks out of the door carrying me on his hip. 

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