Chapter 6

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Parker frowned at his date in front of him. At least he tried to conceal it as much as possible.

WHAT were his friends thinking, setting him up with a woman like this?

Just another female that used her looks to get what she wanted. 

It was no secret that she was pretty successful, but he was beyond that point.

He wanted a woman that opened his eyes even more than it already was. A woman that wasn't afraid to adventure, but was well grounded. 

"Who am I kidding."  he thought to himself. He was basically asking for a fairy tale woman. 

"So that's why I started hosting those events for the breweries." she smiled.

"That sounds awesome. You must be very proud to have ventured into that industry. Especially since it's been a market that has boomed and is saturated."

"Oh, you just have to know what to do and know the right people." she winked at him.

Of course... 

"So what is it you do?" she perked up a little, eyes darting to his silver Audemars Piguet and right back up to him.

He considered telling her about his software company. He should give her the benefit of the doubt and at least TRY to form a connection.

But he knew his effort would be futile. She was not what he was looking for as a potential partner. He also was probably the only male species that would turn down a beautiful female's blatant offer to have sex with him.

Which was apparently really clear as she was trying hard to do so.

"I have my own software company. We develop and code CRMs for companies -- as customizable as possible." and there it was a blank stare he usually got.

"Well that must do well for you clearly!" she giggled, not wanting to ask more and switched to a different topic of conversation.

He painfully continued the date, and by the end of the night he politely got her into an Uber and said goodbye.

He texted the group chat of his and fired away to his pals asking them what they were thinking. 

Shaking it off, he walked down the busy streets of Hell's Kitchen. The city was perfect, not at the height of summer yet so it had the cool crisp air of the last bits of spring.

He did what he did most nights when his anxiety was a little high and his thoughts were a mess. 


He was in the process of moving out of his office for the past 5 years. Which happened to be his apartment as well. Which happened to be the reason why he was also moving into his new place also.

If there was one thing he realized, working and living in the same space, especially if you worked for yourself, it WILL take a toll on you. 

At some point, the boundary of comfort and stress crosses over it won't be the same anymore.

Now that he was doing better, he could have two spaces. He made sure to choose opposite ends of the city so he would have great commutes to work. No more tiny apartment and worrying about things. 

He would never brag about this. No way would he flash it around, because god damn that is too tiring. 

He just knew he had the right to be proud after not having to rely on anyone. 

Opening the door to his apartment, he smiled at the view that the tiny living room window gave way to.

Memories of so many guys nights taking place, to eventually building his office right in the center of his living room. 

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