Chapter Two

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I woke up to my alarm on my phone going off. I immediately turned it off, and walked to my kitchen to get something to drink. I have my own apartment here in Omaha, but I'm moving to L.A. soon.

I open my refrigerator and the only thing in it is orange juice and water. I didn't get anything to eat, because I was leaving for over a month and didn't want it all to waste. I poured a cup of orange juice and washed the cup after I finished it. 

It wasn't that long of a flight we had to go on today, but I hated flying in the first place. 

I put on a pair of maroon leggings and a black crop top, to stay comfortable. I went to the bathroom and brushed out my long light brown hair and put it in a ponytail. I never wore much makeup, so I just put on some mascara and chapstick.

I put on my black vans, and sat on my couch to wait for Gilinsky. A few minutes later there was a knock, and in came Gilinsky and Johnson.

"Are you ready beautiful," Gilinsky smiled.

"Sure," I chuckled.

We took my bags to his mom's car and got in. We needed to pick up Sammy and Nate too, so we hurried, because we were running late.

-At the Airport-

"Morgan can I get a picture?"



"Can we please get a picture?"

"Guys, I'm sorry, but we're running late for our flight. We love you, and hope to see you at the show in a couple weeks," I smiled and we continued walking to where our flight was.

When we got there they were already boarding, so we basically almost missed our flight.

On the plane I sat next to Nate and Sammy. I ended up sitting in the middle of them.

Sammy started snapchatting pictures and videos of us.

"Hey beautifuls, we are on our way to NYC for our first show. See you there." he said into the camera.

"Morgan how are you feeling?" "I hate planes! Stop recording me!" I snuggled into Nate, and put my hand over the camera. He still posted it.

"I hate you Sammy," I grunted.

"Love you babe," he winked.

Nate had his arms around me and my head was on his chest, and soon enough I fell asleep.


"Babe, wake up," Sammy shook me.

I groaned, "Carry me." I still had my eyes shut and my head was killing me.

He listened to me though. I had my legs wrapped around his body, my arms wrapped around his neck, and my head on his shoulder. I felt like shit.

He took me to the place where you get the luggage and set me down. My head was spinning, and I almost fell over. Gilinsky caught me right before I did though.

"Are you okay," he asked, but I just shook my head, No. He picked me up.. Exactly the same way Sammy did.

I heard fans in the background..

"Jack why are you carrying that hoe?"

"Did she fuck too many guys on the plane so she can't walk now?"

"I'd appreciate it if you guys stopped hating on her. She isn't going anywhere, so either learn to love her.. Or leave," he told them and walked outside to our car to take us to the hotel. The other boys brought the luggage and got in. I just wanted to sleep. I guess I fell asleep in the car.

*Her Dream*

"You never fucking do anything right! You're just a stupid whore!" my dad said as he slapped me across the face.

"You probably have fucked all of those friends you have" he hit me again causing my lip to bleed.

"You were the worst thing ever created" he kneed me in the stomach causing a bruise to almost instantly form.

I sat in the corner hunched over crying. He took his belt off and repeatedly hit me with it. Leave red marks, bruises, and cuts all over my body.

Images of all the other times he hit me flashed through my mind.

I started screaming. I don't know how long I was, but I eventually woke up.

"Babygirl, It's okay," Sammy said as he pulled me into him, "You're safe here. It's just me."

"I had another dream about my dad," I started crying.

He lifted me up and carried me out of the room.

"Where is everyone," I spoke but my voice cracked.

"Where the fuck do you think we are going," he said as he knocked on the door of a room.

Nate opened the door and Sammy put me on the bed. My head still hurt, but I could actually sit up without swaying now. I look up and see the other people touring with us. I glance at them, but my eyes focus on Kenny. 

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you Morgan," Kenny smiles.

"It's nice to meet you too.. Well all of you," I chuckle and half smile. 

 "How are you feeling babygirl," Gilinsky brought up. 

I zoned out and started rubbing my thumb over a mark left from my father.

"Morgan, Morgan, Morgan," they all said simultaneously. I eventually got back to reality, unfortunately. A bunch of stuff raced through my mind and tears started to fall out of my eyes. I run out of the room, and my head begins to spin again. I stumble and my head hit something hard.. Then all I see is black.

Gilinsky's POV

I run out the door after Morgan and see her laying on the ground. I shake her, but she doesn't wake up. 

"Call 911 Sammy," I yell from the hallway. My eyes start to water and I carry her back to the room. Within minutes paramedics come through the door and ask a bunch of questions. Sammy answers most of them, so they take him with to the hospital.

"What's happening," I ask the paramedics.

"We have to see," they replied as they walked out the door with Morgan and Sammy.

"How did I know something like this was going to fucking happen. She's not strong enough to deal with shit anymore Jack," I almost scream. 

"Jack calm down! Imagine what would have happened if we left her in Omaha all by herself. Way worse than this," Johnson says calming me down.

"What's going on," Kenny timidly speaks.

"It's a long story. If she wants she'll tell you," Nate almost whispers.


Morgan's POV

I wake up to see Sammy right next to me. 

"What happened?"

"You had a major anxiety attack. You'll be alright babygirl. The plane ride started it all, because you are basically afraid of them, but the dream you had of your dad pushed your body over the limit," Sammy explains to me.

"Can we go," I hated doctors too.

"Yeah.. They gave you some stuff to take to like calm your body and shit. Here's your clothes," he adds and turns around. 

I got dressed, grabbed the medicine, and walked out the door with Sammy's arm around me.

-Back At The Hotel-

I open the door to the room and Kenny is sitting on my bed. Sammy went to the other room to get the other boys, but came back alone.

"They went out to eat. Do you wanna come princess," he asks from the door.

"No I'll just stay here," I murmur.

"Kenny watch her," he gives him a look and closes the door.

A/N: Hope you are enjoys this(:

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