Chapter Seven

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Morgans POV

I woke up before Sammy and Kenny this morning.. For once.

I went to bathroom and took a long shower.. When I got out I left the water running, because the steam was soothing.

Eventually I turned it off, and I was dry by that time.. I forgot to bring clothes, so I went out to the room and the boys were still sleeping.. Then I realized it was only 7 in the morning.. Oh well.

I grabbed a pair of floral leggings and a white lace shirt and went to the bathroom to put it on..

Since I had enough time.. I did my makeup for once. I put on eyeshadow, eyeliner, foundation, mascara, lipstick, and blush. I curled the ends of my hair, because it takes too long to curl all of it, because it's so long.. I looked in the mirror and thought that maybe I should wake up early more often.

I finished around 8:30, and everyone was still asleep.. so I went up to the roof.

The sky was a pink/purple color and there was some clouds in the sky.. It was beautiful, but just a little chilly.

I didn't bring a jacket, of course.. So I just sat with goosebumps on my arms.

I looked at my phone and somehow it was already 10.. I didn't want to leave.

All of a sudden Kenny comes and sits next to me..

"It is really beautiful," he whispered.

"It is. It's never like this in Omaha.. I hate it there," my voice was quiet.

Kenny didn't say anything back.. So once again we sat in silence.


-At The M&G-

"Hi beautiful," I said to this one girl and she wrapped her arms around me tightly, "What's your name?"

"Raquel.. I love you so much. You have inspired me to do so much, and I don't know what I would have without and I can't believe I'm here right now.. I just love you so much."

"I love you way more than you could ever love me.. Never let anyone ever tell you that you can't do something gorgeous, because you can.. Prove everyone wrong. I believe in you," I told her and tears started to come out of her eyes, "Stay strong.. Don't let anyone get in your way."

I put her in a tight hug and took some pictures with her.


Kennys POV


I'm so nervous to ask Morgan to be my girlfriend for some reason.. All the boys have roses and they're going to give them to her and throw up glitter and make it really special.

Right now Jack and Jack are singing and I'm next.. I sing two songs before I ask Morgan, so I need to call down.

"Kenny you look really nervous tonight," Morgan looked at me and put her arms around me.

"I'm not.. Don't worry," I slightly chuckled.

"Suuuure.. It's okay babe," she smiled and walked over to Nate and Sammy.

Jack and Jack came backstage and that meant it was finally my turn.. I walked out and sang and got the audience all hype.. After my two songs it was finally time. I saw Morgan at the side smiling.

"Okay guys, so tonight I'm singing a song I don't normally sing.. It's for a special person," I start to sing..

(A/N: Don't just skip thru the song because there's actual stuff that happens and I don't want you to miss it)

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