Chapter Eight

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Morgans POV

-On The Tour Bus After The Show-

"How did you all plan that without me finding out," I questioned them.

"You take a lot of naps babe," Kenny shot back, but I just rolled my eyes.

"Look bro, I'm sorry about last night," Gilinsky's voice cracked.

"It's all good.. I get it," Kenny tried to ease the mood.

"I basically have four dads," I put on a fake smile, "At least these ones aren't shit like my actual one.. Well they actually someti-"

"I am a very good father figure towards you," Sammy over proudly told me.

"Yeah.. Okay. I'd say Johnson is the best though. Sorry," I laughed.

"Whatever," Sammy started laughing, "I'm kind of hungry guys."

I placed my hands on the stomach, "I am too."

"What do you want to eat babe," Kenny asked me.



"How many pieces do you want," I questioned Kenny as the pizzas were placed on our table.

"Umm.. I'll have like 3," he nervously replied back.

"Ok then.. 3 it is," I laughed and kissed his cheek while placing the slices onto his plate.

I grabbed two for me, but I probably wouldn't finish it all because I never really eat a lot.


"There's two slices left.. Morgan eat them," Gilinsky and Johnson simultaneously told me to do.

"I'm full!"

"You barely ate two slices.. You have to be starving still," they looked concerned.

"Well I am not starving.. I'm really full. Can you please stop worrying about me so much. I get that you care and all that, but there's just a line you don't cross when it comes to this stuff," I didn't exactly yell it because we were inside the pizza place, but they could tell I was mad.

"You know what happened last time.. You're doing it again and I can't stand to see you in the hospital again," Sammy almost started crying.

"Last time? What are you guys talking about," Kenny seemed worried.

A tear came down my cheek and I walked outside of restaurant.

I didn't know what to think.. I never told Kenny about this because I didn't want him to worry.

"Babe, tell me what they're talking about," Kenny came out and questioned me.

"I rarely eat okay! I didn't want to tell you because I don't want you to worry.. When they said last time it's just that I didn't eat for like a week and I ended up in the hospital.. They told me I could have died and a bunch of stuff, but like I'm never hungry and it's like one of the only things I can control in my life," I would have went on, but I didn't think I could say more without crying.

"You can tell me anything baby.. I'm here for you," Kenny looked like he was about to cry.

"There's just so much wrong with me.. I never open up to people so it's hard to decide if I should tell you some stuff or not," a tear went down my cheek, "Kenny," he nodded, "I need to tell you so much more, but not right now. I will tell you though,"

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead, "I'll wait until you do.. I'll still love everything about you. No matter what."

After a couple minutes the rest of the boys came out and we went back to the bus.. I'm surprised that we didn't see any fans on the way back. Our next show was actually tomorrow night, so we had to leave here soon..

-On the tour bus-

I was sitting on the couch on my phone listening to the boys weird conversations.. They looked like they were enjoying themselves though. They were taking snapchat pictures and videos trying to get me to join.

"Morgan, come over here," Johnson asked me.


"Because I said so!"


I didn't want to leave my comfortable and warm spot, but I ended up doing it. I walked to the table and sat next to Kenny.

"Yes," I somewhat questioned Johnson as to why he wanted me over here.

"We needed the last person here to take a group picture," he laughed, but I just flipped him off and smiled.

Kenny put his arm around me and I held it. I started thinking about how sometimes I wanted to be alone and it just couldn't happen on the bus.

"Okay let's take the picture," Johnson almost yelled.

It took a minute, but we finally got it figured out to get all of us in the picture. I took my phone out and took a picture of me and Kenny and put it on instagram.

"You're beautiful," he whispered in my ear causing me to blush.

A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever and this is the shortest chapter ever! I've had a terrible week.. Plus my phone broke so I have to use my ipad and it's different.

This was more of a filler and I'll make it up to you guys! I'll try to update tomorrow or the day after.

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