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Lincoln stood before Ronnie-Anne, ready to defend his case, after all, she had no proof of her argument, and Lincoln had 5 instances of living proof, but she had an advantage, she could just punch him if she thought he was winning the argument that was sure to ensue

"oh, they are real"

"prove it"

"look, I AM one" he said, pulling back his upper lip, revealing his left fang"

"prosthetic, and if your a vampire, why don't you burn in the sunlight" she asked, having thought she won the argument

"i do, it's called sunburn and everyone get's it" raising his voice a little

"well if anyone gets it, how come I've never gotten it" she shouted

"probably because your Hispanic" he shouted, not realizing what he just said was racist

and that was it for him, he saw Ronnie's fist shooting for his jawline, and there was no time to stop it her fist made contact with his chin, and dragged upwards towards his nose, he fell over instantly, reeling in pain, she had knocked out his fang and he tasted blood, the familiar sweet taste taking over his mouth and easing the pain, but... this didn't taste like it did last time, like it was tainted with something sweeter

Ronnie-Anne recoiled after the punch, as Rita came running over to help her son up, while Lori messaged to bobby what just happened Ronnie-Anne looked at her hand, she had cut her hand open when she dragged her fist across his teeth, she stumbled a bit, before collapsing to the ground, and Lori picked her up and laid her down on the picnic tables seat while she waited for bobby to arrive, she pulled her phones screen-wipe out of he pocket and tied it as best as she could around the wound, before returning to the tree to help her mother with Lincoln, who was now standing, while holding his mouth

"will it grow back" he asked, muffled by his hand

"yes it'll grow back sweetie,  our teeth can regenerate infinitely, it just take a long time for them all to grow back, and your going to have to increase your dairy intake" she said, giving a sigh "and since we cant explain to anyone why, their all gonna want more, jeez this'll be expensive"

"sorry" he said, looking down

"why are you apologizing, it is literally not your fault, you didn't swing your teeth into Ronnie's hand" Lori said, coming up behind them

"is her skin broken"? Rita asked quickly

"yeah, why does it matt-ooooh" Lori said, realizing what this meant

"what do you mean oh, what's all going on" bobby asked as he arrived, Rita and Lori hadn't noticed him, so they were taken aback when they heard his voice

"well, long story short, Ronnie didn't believe Lincoln about being a vampire, got angry because she didn't like the thought of being lied to, punched Lincoln it the mouth, and she uhh" Lori said trailing off "she kinda broke skin" she muttered

"oh, for fucks sake" he said, angrily huffing, "now i gotta explain to mom that she's one too" he kicked the dirt up by his feet, sending a small cloud along the ground, he walked over to his younger sister, she was still awake, but really dreary, he picked her up and awkwardly held her bridal style, Rita, Lori, and Lincoln all came over, and bobby spoke to Ronnie

"apologize" he said sternly

" not until he apologizes for lying" Ronnie said defiantly

"he wasn't lying, he is a vampire, so are Lori, me, Lucy, Bobby, and now your gonna be one" rita said

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