You know me

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«Someone comes into your world, now your world has change forever»

She was on a roof, watching Gotham City, she had come there only to find her former team mate, Nightwing, who asked her to go to talk about a «secret idea» he was developing...
Sadly for her, he was in Bludhaven, so she was just there, on her own, on a city she never have been to, waiting for a good moment to help someone at least,  in the way her old friend used to do. Patrolling.
Raven heard screaming in the distance and flew towards that place.
Shots were heard by the half demon, all the thing was happening outside  an alley, she could see a girl being held as a hostage and a group of men, opening fire towards a figure, someone she could recognize but not clearly identify.

She stood still, while the figure, all by his own, fought and defeated successfully the majority of his enemies.
On the floor, a woman, apparently pregnant, crying something over a stolen necklace and sobbing.
Rachel tried to decide if she should interfere or not.
The Man moves left her hypnotized, so clear and practiced, like a perfect choreography, and yet familiar, like..Dick's?
No, his way of fighting was the acrobatic type, and this guy has a different way of ending each one of his movements.
When he finished, he helped the woman to stand on her feet and gave her a necklace, which had been took from her own neck before by the robbers that now laid unconscious on the floor.
Raven had a glimpse of the suit the Boy was wearing, she could tell he wasn't much older than her.
Then a sound cut the calm of the night.
A orange flash of light and the sound like a firecracker, but she could recognize what it really was.
A gunshot.
Then the woman down there gasped, and her shriek pierced the atmosphere, while the Boy fell face to the ground, not even trying to stop his fall with his hands.

Rachel opened wide her eyes and decided to fly down immediately, landing next to the woman.
She turned to her and with her smoky voice she ordered her:

-Leave. Now.

The woman, cover her belly with one hand and gave a quick glance back at her hero, lying on the floor before nodding on Raven's direction and running as fast as she could, away from the scene on the dark alley.

Rachel fell to her knees, and moved aside the cape, covering the Boy which was bleeding himself out on the pavement.
She was shocked when she saw the suit.
And more when despite the mask covering his eyes, she could recognize Jason.

-Oh...God, Are you awake? Can you hear me?-She said in a soft voice, trying to transmit calm to him.

No answer.

-Jason?-The girl asked again and pushed him, making him lay on his back while searching for the bullet wound.
On his chest, a small hole, which was pouring blood, hard to see for the bright red colour of the suit.
She didn't hesitate and put her hand On it, taking the bullet out and closing the wound with the help of her dark magic.

A few seconds later, he breathed in, he looked pale and his pupils were dilated by the pain and the shock.
It took him a few seconds, before he could manage to speak.

-Where am I?-Jason said in a whisper and he looked at Raven, feeling dizzy.-What happened?

His eyes looked up to the cloudy night and the dirty walls of the buildings which surrounded the alley.

-You got shot, Jason...-Rachel said in a sweet voice and offer him, her hand, for him to stand up.

He scanned her face and a little smirk appeared On His face.

-Rachel?-He asked while getting On His feet with her help.

Raven felt a shiver down her spine and tried to contain her enthusiasm, she never expected him to remember her, they had  only met once.

-Yes...Are you feeling okay?-Rachel questioned and though he had already got up, he didn't let go of her hand.

-Way better now- Jay claimed and gifted her with a warm smile.

That smile...his wicked smile.
She was sure that was the same smile she saw the night before, while the team tried to stop this new «Crime Lord»
The Red Hood.
Tonight they had a clue about him, so she wiped her tears, stood up and got into her suit.
Ready for this... for this ghost.

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