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«Even in death our love goes on
And I can't love you, anymore than I do»

Rachel was sitting in her bed, reading a book, when Gar knocked on her door, letting her know that dinner was ready.

She left the book over the bed, without noticing that there was a sheet of paper that fell from the dusty pages.

It had been an easy day, Dr Light was a mere distraction to her, to keep her head away from Jason, and the fact he was miles and miles away.
She couldn't do anything but to worry about him.

Once dinner was over, all of them headed to their rooms, Dick called her a second before letting her go to bed.

-Something's wrong?-Rachel asked while looking into her friend's eyes.

He shook his head.

-Just needed to check out on you, I know you and Jaybird are...developing feelings for each other and...

Rachel chuckled.

-You're terrible at this kind of talk, but I'm fine, Dick, don't you worry. Not until he comes back...-She teased him and he laughed.

-Okay, I will keep my over protective nature under control until then...

-Over protective over who?

-I haven't decided it yet, if I want you to stay away from my little brother or the other way around-Grayson answered while walking back to his room through the corridor- have a  good night, Rae...

The girl nodded and sighed, Checking on her phone for the thousandth time that day.
If Jason was on a mission, he wouldn't have his cellphone with him.
She needed  to be patient.

Rachel got into bed, and struggled to fall asleep, even after meditation, something inside Of her wasn't tranquil.

Once she succeeded her dreams kept her moving under her sheets.
Darkness, screams, fire, blood...
It seemed like a vision of the apocalypse to her and she woke up crying, without even knowing why.

Jaded she managed to walk out of bed, when she felt like someone had just opened a hole through her chest and it got harder to breathe for a second.
Raven shook her head and went to her bathroom, to wash her face, and got back into bed, to sleep a few more hours, shaking that feeling from her mind and soul.

The door slided to the left, giving Dick access to her room.
Rachel was sleeping yet but his steps on the carpet somehow woke her up.
She sat in bed and instantly recognised the terrible aura surrounding him.

-Dick? What are you doing here?-She said and he sat on her  bed, right next to the girl.

-Rachel... I just don't know...I just can't find the words to tell you this...-Nightwing started and her heart beat faster, somehow she already knew.
She shook her head repeatedly, even before he could finish his sentence.

-It's Jason...He...

-DON'T -Raven ordered - don't say it...

Her eyes filled with boiling tears, menacing with falling, crossing her face.

-Rae...-Dick mumbled putting his hands on her shoulders- I'm sorry...

-DON'T CALL ME THAT! -Her eyes turned black as her magic started to spark from her closed fists.
Dick softly squeezed her shoulders, trying to help her focus, she was a threat to everyone in that state.

-Please... I know it hurts... But I'm here.-Dick said and embraced her, as she started to sob uncontrollably, her body shaking between his arms.

-...please...please don't... -Raven whispered and Dick's heart broke with hers- please...tell me it's not true...

There wasn't any point on lying, It wouldn't bring him back and Rachel knew he was gone way before her friend told her.

She felt it.

They had a connection, like they were an extension of each other, like they had became on the battlefield.
Complementing each other, supporting themselves...
Now all that was gone and Rachel's heart couldn't accept the fact that the emptiness, the horrible and painful hole in her chest will never be filled again.

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