Lost you

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«How can I put it down into words
When it's almost too much for my soul alone
I loved, and I loved and I lost you»

Returning to Gotham was a hell for Rachel, when all she could thought of when wandering around its dark and gloomy streets was the first time she really met Jason.

Nobody knew she was there. She just summoned a portal and make herself appear in the City streets.
She soared and flew towards Wayne mansion, there wasn't really a need to get into his property.
She just landed next to the graves, his parents ones, magnificent and way bigger than the other one, on the distance.
She moved, like a ghost floating over the wet grass, the earth on the smaller graveyard was removed, and she knelt down in front of it, reading his name on the stone.

Jason Todd

Tears streamed down her face, a lightening above threw her back to reality.
It was all true. He was there, deep down there.
Cold, motionless, quiet...
He was warm, his arms always made her felt safe.
As Robin there were few moments when he wasn't moving, like he was always waiting to attack.
He was witty and clever, always had something to say, and the things he would say to her to cheer her up, to make her feel loved... he made her feel real, human.

"He was" The words were colliding into Rachel's mind, she couldn't accept them, even staring at his grave.
She wished she had a chance to see him, to realize he was...dead.
Raven took a sheet of paper out of her cloak and open it.

The tears started to mix with the drops falling from the dark grey skies.
The lights of the city reflecting against the clouds creating beautiful shades of blue and white on them.

Rachel read the words, handwritten into the sheet of paper and let a sorrowful sigh escape through her lips.

When I come back, I will be ready for us... Will you?

Rachel compressed the note and tossed it against his grave.
She was so mad at him for dying.
They had waited for so long to finally become more than friends, to be everything...and now he was gone.

She needed his hugs, his tender words when she was being a monster to herself.
And those things will never happen again.
When the skies collided into the earth with liters of water, she finally left, not without leaving a few flowers over the grave.

And she repeated  The same pattern each year...for four years...

She was upset, that night she was supposed to be in Gotham, not to fight a stupid new villain with style issues, but to grieve for Jason.

And the damn Man not only dared to defeat her team, and almost killed Dick and Gar, but he confronted her and said her name...
Not her name.
Not Raven, not even Rachel... But Rae, the way he used to call her, the name he chose for her to make her feel more... Human.

And, to crown that awful and unusual anniversary of his death, her emotions got the worst of her and she turned into her demon form, and she was there, trying to figure out how to put herself in a piece and get back to the Tower.

Then the hand on her shoulder, the "villain " who was trying to kill them a few hours ago, standing right there, no weapons at sight, just there, while the sunlight on the city was rising.

-What do you want? Have you come here to kill me?- Rachel said rising her voice over the traffic sound of the streets of Gotham.

-If I wanted to, you would be dead by now...-He answered- Are you feeling any better?

The expression in Raven's face was puzzled, he didn't kill her AND NOW he was asking about her well being?

-Who Are you?

-Nice try... But I'm not going to fall for that one...-Red Hood said, walking towards the girl.

-What do you want?-She repeated, charging her hands with magic.

-I was...curious... But I have already seen what I needed... -The man waved at her while walking straight past her and jumped out of the building, a few seconds after he fell, she saw the claw of the gun he used back in the alley, It clawed in the Tower next to it and he disappeared between the alleys.

Raven stood there, watching him go, knowing that she should have stopped him.

She took her communicator out of her cloak and watched the time.
It wasn't too late to go for a quick visit.
She had to return to the Tower after that, or the team would come back to find her.

She opened up a portal, and made herself appeared right in front of the graveyards.
Wayne property was such a different story with the sunrays showering it with a warm and peaceful light.
She took a few flowers from the same tree that was a few inches away from the improvised cemetery.
She laid them on the grass that covered his grave.
Raven sighed.
It was easier the last year, but all these things just kept her thinking about him and it felt like he had died a few days before, when in reality, It had been four years already.

-What are you doing, Roth?-A deep voice said calmly right behind her and she shivered.

Rachel turned around to see him standing there with severe expression and his arms crossed over his chest.

-Bruce Wayne...

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