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«Don't complicate it, don't drive yourself insane... Say what you will but I know that you want to stay...»

-Rachel...please say something- Jason said and got a few steps closer to her.

Rachel's eyes where filled with a mix of tears, amazement and confusion.

Her look set on him, he was there, Alive, looking older, different, with two white streaks of his hair falling over  his forehead.
He looked different yes, but it was still him.

She knew it, somehow, but it was impossible, wasn't it?

-RAE!-He shouted and she got out of her trance-like state.

-Who Are you...?-She said again and he stood up, facing her face to face.

-You know it...

-No... he's dead.-Rachel was scanning him from head to toe- Jason is...Dead.

He chuckled and she could feel something inside of him was broken.

-Is It too hard to assimilate? That you put flowers on an empty grave, year after year?- Jason's voice was rough.

It may look like him, but that person, standing right in front of her wasn't him.

-Was grieving you a crime?-She replied.

-No... but you all were so ready to believe I was dead that you didn't hesitate. Bring the boy, bury him. Done. -The anger was burning in his eyes- and then I was replaced, wasn't I? By the man who didn't save me...

Rachel heart fell to the floor, hearing his words. She couldn't talk about what Batman or the Titans felt or did.

-You have no idea what it felt much I refused to believe you were down there...cold... quiet... I needed you, I NEED you, Jason. I didn't believe you were dead... not me.

-You did! You left the damn flowers there, you were on my grave each fucking year! FOUR YEARS, RACHEL!-His voice went louder with each word and she gave a few steps back, away from him.

Jason realised the way Rachel was looking at him and then sighed.

-How long, Jason?-Rachel mumbled and he looked at the city skyline.

-Four years...The same years I have been "dead"

-Why didn't you come? Why didn't you tell me?!-Now it was her turn to get mad at him and Jason understood.

-It was...hell...-He said looking straight into her eyes. Oh, now he remembered how much he missed her.

-I lived hell, you promised we would be just fine. That you would be by my side and you just...left. -Tears streamed down her face and Jason breathed in, fighting the urge to held her.

-I-I'm sorry, Rae...

The girl looked away, forcing herself to stop crying and then stared into his eyes one more time.

No matter how much pain she felt right now, Jason was standing right in front of Her.
It was like one of those dreams she would always have and now it was real.

Without any more hesitation, she just ran up to him and embraced him.
He was definitely taller, as her head only reached his chest now.
But she could hear his heart beating and she ended up crying again.

Jason remained still for a few seconds, stunned by her love and then wrapped his arms around Raven, laying his chin on her head and feeling the scent of her hair.

He missed her, no matter how many times he kept on repeating to himself that his past was a regret...She wasn't.
She will never be.

-Jay... -Rachel said, as if by saying his name, he could be the same cheerful boy he used to be.

But she knew he was broken beyond repair.
Jason, on the other hand, wished that he could just stay with her forever. But he knew that he couldn't.
That the person he had become wasn't the one Rachel needed.
At least on his eyes.
And the things he was doing now, could put her in danger and that was beyond consideration.
Jason knew, in the exact second he took off his helmet and revealed himself to her, that he was there to say goodbye properly.

Jason Todd was dead and both of them would have to accept it.

-Rae, please, look at me...-he asked in a soft voice and so she did.

Jason put his hand under her chin and made her look up, then leant towards her and kissed her lips, deeply, helding her tight, against him with the other hand.
She kissed him back, wrapping him with both of her arms, afraid he would just disappear or she would wake up again.

But the kiss finished and he framed her face with his hands, inspecting every emotion going through her eyes, trying to memorize her.

-I love you, Jason... -she said, holding back the tears that filled her eyes.

-I know, Little bird, and I'm sorry...-He replied and kissed her forehead, before going back a few steps, he threw a smoke bomb between them and disappeared right behind it.


He was gone again and Rachel just stayed there, watching at the spot where he was standing a second ago and wishing for the first time in forever that she could just wake up.

But she didn't.
Because this time, it wasn't a dream.
Jason was alive, he was Red Hood.

And he loved her, as she loved him.

But he was gone...


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