he likes you

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The next day we had the actual UIL competition. We had to be at the school at 6:15 in the morning so the bus could leave at 6:30. She picked me up from my house at 5:45. We had planned to get donuts for the entire cast since she works at the donut place. It was so early but I didn't care, it was nice to be there with her while she was crankily reading out the order and getting annoyed when the old lady behind the counter couldn't find the donut she asked for. She even bought me what I wanted even though it cost more, and even a drink. I loved it so much. Then we got to the school and on the bus we sat right across from each other.

She said she was tired and wanted to sleep, and so I told everyone to be quiet so she could. Eventually around 2 hours later we got to the school where he competition was being held at and we had to get all our props set up, go to our dressing room, and meet our guide for the day. We had a rehearsal time which didn't start for about an hour and a half, so we just hung out. Surprisingly I didn't hang out with her. I'm kind of glad I didn't, I don't want to be too clingy you know? Anyways, the day went on, we had an hour and 45 minute rehearsal, then we had a few free hours. We got a huge Chick-fil-a platter for lunch and we ran out of plates so her and I shared one, "since we're married anyways," is the reasoning I gave her, and she was fine with it. A couple hours later we got ready and then performed the play. The whole thing was so nerve wracking but we did amazing. Unfortunately, part of the "one act" rules is that the play cannot be over 40 minutes, and although we had timed it multiple times without it going over time, our show ended up being 40 minutes and 3 seconds- meaning we were disqualified.

She was upset. Really upset. All of us were. We went back to the dressing room to change. We were the first school to perform and there were 3 more in our zone, so her and I decided to go watch the other schools along with some cast mates. Once all the schools were finished, the awards ceremony happened, and we went back to change into some nice clothes and maybe redo some makeup. She made a comment about me while I was doing my eyeshadow "Why are you so freaking pretty, oh my god," she muttered, and I felt a surge of happiness at that. Someone that pretty calling me pretty? She did it all the time, we both did, but the fact that her comment was completely unprovoked made me some sort of satiated.

So we went to the awards. She didn't get one. She cried. I tried to comfort her. She was upset because this was her last year, her senior year, and she had never gotten a lead role before. This year the lead was snubbed by a ostentatious sophomore. Two people from our cast got awards but not her. We were sitting next to each other, and I kept talking, telling her how she was under appreciated, too talented for our school, that she just hasn't had her chance yet. It didn't really make her feel better. I wrote cute notes on her program to try and make her laugh. That didn't work either.

We went to IHop afterwards. She cried on the bus ride there. I wanted to make her feel better so badly. I did everything for her. In the waiting area I made sure she got to sit down, I went to the bathroom with her when she asked, staying behind her and making sure she got there first. By the time we got back our cast had already been seated, so there were only one chair left in the corner of the table and then a part of the booth. I made sure she got the one she wanted. Throughout the whole night I made sure she was okay, I even went back to the bus to get her some medicine I brought when she was having a bad headache. I made sure our side of the table was quiet so she'd feel better, I told her to tell me a story so she'd be distracted. And it actually worked, for the most part.

On the bus ride home we both slept. It was about midnight when I woke up. She was my ride home, and I was scared she wouldn't want to take me since it was so late, but when I asked her she acted as if I was crazy. "Of course I'll still take you!"

The ride home was nice. It was about 12:45 and we were both, surprisingly, more awake than ever. We had to take home a little freshman girl, but once she was gone she revealed something to me.

"He sent me a paragraph, aw, he's so sweet."

I was confused. "Who?"

"John. About today, and how we still did great even after what happened."

I cringed. John was a sophomore techie. He had a crush on her for a couple weeks now. He had texted me about her before, asking me for advice, telling me how much he liked her.

"That's...cool." I tried to not be suspicious, but at the same time I felt like she should've known. I kept making discontented noises. She asked what was the matter, and when I wouldn't budge, she assured me I could tell her anything. The revelation melted my heart, so I went ahead.

"John, uh, well...he likes you."

She kept her eyes steady with the road. "Oh. Good. Good. I need to know these things. Thanks."

She was being..weird. I asked why, asked how she felt about it. She said she was confused. She said no one ever likes her. She said she wasn't a person people like. She was at a red light and stopped the car. I immediately argued with her.

"What do you mean? You're perfect! You're smart, you're funny, you're gorgeous, anyone would like you."

She almost laughed, and it made me sad. It made me sad because it was 1am, we were in her car alone, soft music playing in the background, and she looked so beautiful. And after listing more things about her, to make her feel better, I thought, I could like you.

The light turned green.

"So..." I started, raising my brows, "Can you finish telling me what you were saying at the restaurant?" I asked. At IHop she mentioned something about Ethan, a guy in her grade that she hangs out with a lot. She never finished her thought, though.

"Well...you know!"

I shook my head. "What is it that I know?"

I kept probing her, because she wouldn't spit it out. Eventually she said, "Ethan. I..I like him."

I went home and cried. I cried because I didn't know what I feeling. Or rather I cried because I did know, but I didn't want to feel that way. Cried because it felt so good to have her pick me up in the morning, to start my day with her, and to have her take me home and have her sweet voice be the last the I heard before I went to sleep.

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