lemongrass and sleep

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Something about me is that my ex ruined me. Completely. She ruined 2 years of my life. I was so broken after her I eventually learned to stop crying at all. Over anything. However, the next morning in the shower, I cried, like the previous night, except this time there were actual tears. For the first time in about 4 months I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. Over her. Because, well, I liked her. And I knew it was going to ruin me.

That day during 3rd period (aka theatre productions) everyone slept. We were all tired from the previous day of failure. I didn't sleep. Instead, I lay my head down, looking at her in front of me, her exhausted body in deep slumber.

I made a playlist about her that night. Filled with songs about unrequited love, about admiring someone you can never ever have. I posted a clip of She by Dodie to my finsta and wrote in the caption something about liking a girl who will never like me back. I fell asleep listening to the song.

And I'll be okay
Admiring from afar
'Cause even when she's next to me
We could not be more far apart
And she tastes like birthday
Cake and story time and fall
But to her
I taste of nothing at all

(PM me if you want the playlist. It's pretty relatable to anyone who is going through a similar experience right now.)

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