one for me, one for her

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After her birthday I became sort of stale. Somehow out of nowhere my depression came sweeping in, cradling me in its arms and binding me to it. The rest of my week was not good. However, I had color guard championships that Saturday, and I was spending the night at a friends house Friday night, so at least I wouldn't be home.

The sleepover was very eventful. I played Grand Theft Auto, told my friends Leah and Tanya about my crush on her, and almost smoked weed while walking around in her neighborhood. (That last one is a really long story.)

Anyways, the day of the competition I was excited because we didn't have to be at the school until 8:30am, a contrast to the usual 5:30am. This meant I could visit her at work, the local donut shop. I walked in nervous as ever with Leah and Tanya by my side, and there she was. Unfortunately, she was helping another customer, so someone else got our order, but just seeing her completely cemented my morning. I knew it was going to be a good day.

And it was. The competition was in Houston, and it was nice being in a big city. Our performance was great and I just got to be with my friends all day. We went out to eat for lunch and then we headed back to the school where the competition was being held at. At every color guard competition they have vendors who come and sell their products, anything from t-shirts to nail polish to anything you could thing of. There was a person selling various jewelry pieces and I immediately spotted a bright rainbow bracelet. I'm not sure what to call it, basically it was a thick piece of something, like leather maybe, completely wrapped in rainbow string. I absolutely loved it. I wanted to buy it, and the lady said it was either $3 each or 2 for $5, and that's when I came up with a brilliant idea. There was a couple other bracelets with the same rainbow pattern. I gave the lady $5 and walked away with 2 bracelets. One for me, and one for her. I would wear mine for a while, and then one day, close to graduation, I would give her my other one. It would be like a way to stay connected while she's away at college. Just thinking about it made me nervous with excitement.

The rest of the day was amazing. I hung out with my teammates while we watched other guards, we told jokes and played games, and when awards came around we got first in our division! It was amazing.

The bus ride home I listened to music, happy as ever, and I remembered it was national puppy day so I sent her a post on Instagram of some newborn puppies, hoping it would make her smile. Dogs were her absolute favorite thing in the entire world. However, when she responded that the video made her entire day, I felt so happy. How could a simple text do that to someone? I still don't know. But what I do know is that seeing her that morning was what made the rest of my day extremely good.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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