back at it

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Today was the first day of school after spring break, and I woke up more excited than ever. I hate being away from school. When I'm alone, I get depressed. Being at school, around my friends, is good for me.

Unfortunately, the first two periods dragged on immensely. As soon as the bell for 3rd period rang, I felt a jump in my chest. I had been waiting for what felt like an eternity. But I entered the classroom and there she was. Her. Butterflies immediately entered my stomach. It had been a week since I'd last seen her and god I missed her so much. I walked in with the mindset that I wasn't going to talk to her right away, that I didn't want to come off as clingy. Luckily, she was the one who started talking to me first when she launched into retelling of a nightmare she had the previous night and I listened intently. It felt so good to just be near her, to listen to her voice. We sat in silence for the rest of the class as she worked on her scholarship forms, and I came to her aide any time she sounded frustrated. I could tell how stressed out she was. She really didn't want to graduate, and I couldn't blame her. However, I reassured her things would be fine, that she was great, that'll all get done. I told her a story about how I ordered something off of Amazon and paid for two day shipping, and when the mail truck arrived it scared me with its flashing lights and titanic size. We laughed at my immature terror and I felt so sly, because the package I ordered was for her, her birthday present. Before class ended I decided to bring up the student council meeting we had after school. The student council Spring Convention is this week on Wednesday. I'm only half-sure of what the event is, but I know I get to miss school and go to the beach and basically just play games all day with kids from other school councils. There was a short meeting at school and then one at the beach immediately afterwards for last minute planning details. I wanted to go, but my mom didn't get off of work until 5 and had to be at her second job at 5:30, so there was no time for her to drive all the way to the beach to pick me up. I mentioned this to her, and of course, she said she'd take me. That phrase is quickly becoming the main source of my happiness.

When the bell rang and we separated. Our classes are in the same direction but we walk with different people. Just when I had arrived the auditorium, where my choir class is held, she was only a step in front of me and she huffed. "I forgot my jacket in 3rd period."

"Want me to go get it for you?" I offered, since the classroom was only a short walk away and her class was in a completely different building. She said yes and I told her I'd give it to her during our lunch period. Suddenly I was really hungry.

The next two periods drug on again. When lunch came around I waited until we had about 10 minutes left and texted her that I would give her her jacket back. I went to my locker to retrieve it then walked over to her table. She looked upset. Everyone around her was talking and she sat silent.

"Here you go, my love," I plopped the jacket on her lap and she smiled instantly, her entire demeanor becoming cheery as she thanked me. I felt some sort of warmth overcome my body at the sight of it. I want to make her smile like that every chance I get.

Now that I had given her her jacket, I was back to the game of waiting to see her again. Lunch was over and I had 3 more hours. It felt like a lifetime. But finally the clock turned 3:55 and I made my way into the classroom where student council meetings are held.

I sat back quietly as the meeting went on. I tried my hardest not to look at her too much, since she sits up in the front. Finally when the meeting ended, us and her friend Hannah got in her car, me with shotgun as always, and headed to the beach.

I have a bad habit of being territorial. Not just over her, but any of my friends. But especially her, and especially when we're in her car with a 3rd person. I talk about anything and everything and I could myself becoming more obnoxious that usual, but I couldn't help it. It helps me forget there's someone else with us.

We got to the beach and I almost fell walking in the soft grass. She interlocked her arm with mine and she held me the rest of the way, just to help me keep balance. She felt so warm. We all got underneath a large shaded area and stood around while Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Abraham explained how we were going to organize teams and activities. There are 12 game stations, and the kids will rotate every 10 minutes. I didn't go to the meeting where everyone chose their station, however, when Mrs. Turner read out the list of people assigned to each one, I notice that she doesn't have a partner. I ask her about her station and get her to explain the rules of the game, and then complain that I don't have a game to run, hoping she'd let me crash her team of 1. And, of course, she tells me to join her. We spend the rest of the time mainly standing around, cracking jokes and talking and trying to plan out how we're actually going to run our station. "I'm glad I'll get to spend my birthday here and not at school," she commented, and I don't know how I didn't realize the two are on the same day! The thought made me jump for joy. I would get to spend the entire day with her, and also it be her birthday? I can't wait. How did I get so lucky?

Eventually Mrs. Turner got us all back in a group to lay down ground rules and talk more about how the day is going to play out. I cracked so many jokes under my breath that she moved away from me. I smirked at her as she bit her lip to hold in laughter and she shook her head. I love that I can make her laugh so easily.

We dropped Hannah off first and then she took me home. We ride with interludes of comfortable silence in between conversation. I can't believe how much I like this girl, and how lucky I am that she's in my life. When we got to my house I got out of the car but we continued talking, and I stood in my driveway for a good couple of minutes because we kept thinking of more things to add to the conversation. I finally said goodbye and went inside my house, the biggest smile on my face as I closed the door.

(P.S. now that my writing style has gotten more detailed I figured I'd establish that pretty much all the names that appear in this are fake, just to protect the privacy of the real people. Anyways see y'all later this week with a (hopefully) really good update !!)

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