everything had changed

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I walked into 3rd period the next day and looked as sad as ever. Because there she was, sitting there, waiting to greet me.

"Hi my beautiful wife!"

My heart ached. I said hi and sinked into my chair. My friend asked me if I was alright. I said yes. Then I immediately dug out my headphones and listened to the playlist I had made the night before, grateful that our director lets us get on our phones despite the school's massive rules against it. I put my jacket over my head and drowned in the music. Until I forgot I had to turn something into a teacher.

I peeked my head out. "Hey, have you turned your permission slip in yet for Friday? I need to turn mine in." The next day we had a volunteer opportunity for NHS, and I didn't really want to go but she offered to give me a ride so of  course I said yes. Plus I would get to miss half of the school day.

"I already turned mine in, but I'll go with you."

And there we were again, business as usual, because nothing had changed. For her, anyways. Everything had changed for me.

Once we got back to class I continued to listen to sad music and drown my thoughts. Because for some reason, the only thoughts I ever had now were about her.

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