Chapter IV - "Where's your phone?"

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Emmeline's POV

It's already been two days and I'm still to find a job, can you believe? I'd like to blame it on Luke, to be honest. He had me occupied for days for absolutely nothing. He had prom in literally three days and here he was lying on the bed completely relaxed. This boy, ugh.

"So prom in three days, yeah?" I asked, trying to start a conversation here and he looked up from his phone and nodded with a big smile. "And?"

He simply shrugged and went back to whatever he was doing on his phone. If he was a girl, I'd say he was on his periods right now because god, he's been acting so moody and shit and not to mention again, he's been in bed all day. I sighed and took a seat next him while snatching his phone from him.

"Hey!" He pouted, trying to take his phone back.

"So, about prom. Who is your date?" I asked crossing my arms and, finally, he sat up straight.

"Uhm no one, but I have you" He said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and shook my head, looking down at his phone. It was a chat with his friend, I suppose, and they were talking about a girl, ahah!

"So, who's Amy, then?" It was my turn to wiggle my eyebrows and he just looked down at his hands. "Ah, should I be jealous then?" 

He gave me one of his cheeky smiles and threw his arm around my shoulder, "Of course not, Emmy, she's just...a girl."

I lightly hit him in the chest and gave him the 'tell me everything or else I'd turn you into a tadpole' look and he chuckled.

"I think I like her, okay? She's sweet. We're really close and she considers me a very good friend" I smiled brightly at him and he simply pressed his lips together. "But she doesn't like me for all I know."

"Oh come on, idiot, drop that thought. Literally, any girl would like you."

"But that's the point, she's not like any girl."

"That was so cheesy. But anyways, what makes you think she doesn't like you, did you ever try telling her?" 

He shook his head and gave out a sarcastic laugh, "She has rejected almost every guy that's ever tried hitting on her and you think I still stand a chance. Maybe she's not a dating person." 

When Luke said that it hit me that I was the same too, back when I was in school. I smiled lightly and spoke, "No one's a 'not dating person' Luke, they have their reasons for pushing everyone away, trust me."

He just nodded and looked back down at his hands playing with the rings on his fingers. I could clearly tell that Luke was in a bad mood and I ruined it even more, great. Of course, I wanted to make him feel better but I just didn't know what to say to him. And then it hit me.

If this girl Amy really rejected every guy and was still 'close' with Luke, it could mean that maybe she liked him too? And the reason why she rejected every guy was because she wanted him to propose her? Maybe? Time to play the cupid, Emme.

"It's been two days already, Luke, can we at least go to Starbucks today?" I requested with a pout and Luke nodded almost immediately. 

"Shit, you're right. I haven't took you out the house yet, I'm sorry, I'll go take a shower and get ready." He said while getting up and rushing to his room.

Thanks for leaving the phone, Mr. Hemmings.


Let me just keep it short and simple. I was finally here with Luke at Starbucks and he was ordering us drinks. I had already taken full advantage of him taking hours to get ready and texted Amy pretending to be Luke and flirted with her a little  and obviously asked her to come to Starbucks. I know, I know, so evil for me but hey, turns out that Amy was super flirtatious too and she wasn't going to prom with anyone yet. And if I quote her words exactly, 'I'm still waiting for the right one to ask me to prom' and of course I suggested her if she'd like to go with me and she was like 'are you serious?' and because I wanted Luke to take it further from there, I asked her to come meet us, I mean Luke, here. 

"Hey Lukey, can I ask you something completely crazy?" I asked and he nodded while taking a big sip from his drink. I smirked and cleared my throat "Where's your phone?" 

When I say Luke choked on his drink badly, I mean really badly and me being me couldn't stop myself from burst out of laughter. 

He cleared his mouth with a tissue and gave me a deadly look, "Please tell me you didn't do anything stupid." I shook my head and gave me an innocent smile and gave him his phone back. 

"I need to take a wee." And just then the door bell rang signalling someone had entered the place, I looked up to see a girl and no wonder who she was. "Oh and Luke? Amy is here, you might have suggested to take her to prom over text. Good luck."

And with that I took off, Luke was quick to look back and then he mumbled something under his breath and I happily made my way to the restroom, holding back a chuckle. 

I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't give a damn about my surroundings and ended up bumping into someone. They stepped on my foot and yelped in pain and lost my balance, it all happened in a blink of the eye but luckily that someone saved me from falling and making a fool out of myself. I looked up to catch a pair of oceanic blue eyes staring back at me, he wasn't angry as I supposed but still he wasn't very happy about a random girl falling into his arms. I quickly regained my balance and looked here and there and finally back at him fixing my hair.

"I'm sorry." We both said at the same time.

"No you don't hav-"

"It's not your faul-"

"It's fi-"

"Woah, calm down, love." The guy said and I awkwardly looked down at my feet. "We're both sorry, I think that clears it up."

I nodded, still not looking at them, "Right. Uh, I'll leave now." And with that we both left. 

I spent a good twenty minutes scrolling through my Instagram and apparently, Luke and Amy weren't done yet. My phone chimed and I quickly checked my notifications to open the message. To my guess, it was Luke telling me that he was finally  done and we could leave now but surprisingly enough it wasn't. Instead, it was from some other person asking me about babysitting. Yep, I had put up an advertisement for babysitting job. I asked them the basics and it was a golden opportunity! The lady was ready to pay a fair amount and I had to take care of a six year old and that too only for weekends, I DID IT! I quickly rushed out of the restroom that I've been waiting in for ages, only to see that Amy was now hugging Luke and they said their good byes. I loved seeing Luke so nervous but as soon as she left, Luke saw me sneaking and gave me THAT look and I knew I was gonna die...

Well, that was a long ass chapter, I know. It's been so long since I've updated, basically because I keep getting writer's block and trust me I'm trying my best to overcome it.

This chapter might not be the best, I know. A long boring chapter. But this was mostly a filler because I have so many ideas rushing through my head and I want it all to make sense.

Thank you for waiting this long. I promise I'll update soon. Please do not forget to vote, comment and share, it'd mean the world to me!

~ Ana

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